6年后,麦当劳的汉堡和薯条没有腐烂的迹象 2023



然而,有些人 – 就像6岁的麦当劳的组合已经病毒式传播 – 并没有显示出时间的流逝!









现在,不那么开心的一餐在雷克雅未克的巴士旅馆有一个永久的家, 现场摄像头使任何人都可以观看它 不腐烂.


该 last McDonalds hamburger in Iceland



该公司网站上的一篇帖子标题为“回应麦当劳汉堡不分解的神话”说:“为了分解,你需要一定的条件 – 特别是水分。没有足够的水分 – 无论是食物本身还是环境 – 细菌并且霉菌可能不会生长,因此不太可能分解.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “We are all getting older, but some of us show these years more than others. However, some people – like the 6-year-old McDonalds combo that has gone viral – have not shown the passage of time! Six years later, McDonalds burgers and fries remain free of mold. In October 2009, due to the global economic collapse, McDonalds was closing its restaurants in Iceland. On October 30th, anthropologist Hjörtur Smárason stopped at the fast-food chain before the last meal was served, but he never intended to eat it. Instead, Smárason hid the cheeseburger and fried the fries to see what would happen over time. Three years later, he took a peek. To his surprise, the meal looked as fresh as the day he bought it. Now, the unhappy meal has a permanent home at a bus hostel in Reykjavik, where a live camera allows anyone to watch it not decompose. Its called the “Last McDonalds Cheeseburger in Iceland.” But the display has left many wondering whats really behind the forgotten burger and fries. Super preservatives? Stored in a cold climate? Non-moldy meat? According to McDonalds, none of the above. A post on the companys website titled “Responding to the Myth of the McDonalds Burger Not Decomposing” says, “To decompose, you need certain conditions – especially moisture. Without enough moisture – either in the food itself or the environment – bacteria and mold may not grow, so decomposition is unlikely. Therefore, if the food becomes dry enough, it is unlikely to grow mold or bacteria or decompose.” McDonalds says burgers cooked on their own grills may look fresher. The company says, “Similar results can be seen with dehydrated foods prepared at home.” Follow Ree Hines on Twitter.”

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