汉堡王释放黑色万圣节Whopper – 这是非常好的

汉堡王释放黑色万圣节Whopper – 这是非常好的


汉堡包 King's black bun Halloween Burger
Alessandra Bulow /今天

从9月28日到万圣节当天,这家汉堡巨头将其广受欢迎的小馅饼三明治放入一个黑色的小圆面包里,用A.1调味。酱汁,撒上白芝麻。汉堡装满了通常的Whopper配件(融化的美国奶酪,泡菜,白洋葱,番茄和蛋黄酱),但这个也有一点A.1。酱油 – 我认为我已经尝试了20多年了.



关 up of black bun on Burger King's Halloween Burger
Alessandra Bulow /今天




汉堡包 King's new Halloween Burger

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for food. However, based on the text provided, the author seems to have been a burger purist who only eats burgers made by a butcher whose name she knows and skips toppings except for a little ketchup. But her opinion changed when she tried Burger Kings Halloween Whopper, which is a regular Whopper with A.1. sauce and black sesame seeds in a black bun. She found the burger surprisingly good and recommended sharing it with a friend because its big and messy. The author also mentioned Burger Kings black burger in Japan, which used squid ink to color the bun. Overall, the authors experience with the Halloween Whopper was positive, and she enjoyed the addition of A.1. sauce to the classic Whopper.

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