百威传奇的’Whassup!’商业回归 – 令人惊讶的转折

百威传奇的’Whassup!’商业回归 – 令人惊讶的转折

两位美国国王结成了一个不那么不可能的联盟 – 他们带回了有史以来最具代表性的啤酒广告之一.

无论你喜欢与否,百威的“Whassup!”商业在1999年第一次首次亮相时到处都是。现在,你可以再次开始尖叫这个短语(或插上你的耳朵),因为啤酒之王已经与汉堡王合作将今年夏天的广告带回来 – 与一位全新的客人.


Jenna Bush Hager和Sheinelle Jones分享他们最喜欢的广告!



“没有更好的方式来庆祝7月4日,而不是汉堡王餐厅的火焰烤汉堡和冰冷的百威啤酒,”汉堡王的Renato Rossi在新闻稿中说道。.

因为每个国王(和喜欢啤酒的女王!)都需要一个王冠,所以Whopper的家也照顾到了这一点。 21岁以上的客人可以在今年夏天在参与汉堡王的地点购买限量版“自由之冠”。这款限量版帽子上印有秃头鹰,长草帽,实际上可以装三明治 一罐啤酒.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Two American kings have formed an unlikely alliance – they have brought back one of the most iconic beer commercials of all time. Whether you like it or not, Budweisers “Whassup!” commercial was everywhere when it first debuted in 1999. Now, you can start screaming this phrase again (or plug your ears), because the beer king has teamed up with Burger King to bring back the ad this summer – with a new guest. To celebrate the pairing of a limited edition burger with Americas best-selling beer, Budweiser has resurrected the original merchandise, which includes a group of beer-drinking brothers shouting “Whassup!” on the phone. Finally, theres a royal twist: the Burger King himself joins this special delivery crew. Jenna Bush Hager and Sheinelle Jones share their favorite ads! The new Burger King burger includes two flame-grilled beef patties, thick-cut smoked bacon, crispy onions, tavern sauce, American cheese, and creamy mayonnaise on a sesame seed bun. Burgers and beer are as American as apple pie and ice cream, so the pairing is not that unusual. “Theres no better way to celebrate July 4th than with a flame-grilled burger from Burger King and a cold Budweiser beer,” said Burger Kings Renato Rossi in a press release. Because every king (and beer-loving queen!) needs a crown, Whoppers home has also taken care of this. Guests over 21 can purchase a limited edition “Freedom Crown” at participating Burger King locations this summer. This limited edition hat features a bald eagle, a straw hat, and can actually hold a sandwich and a can of beer. Just in: Burger King and Budweiser have added a new crown option to their partnership. Consumers over 21 can now get a “Freedom Crown” that comes with Burger Kings new American beer sandwich and a can of Budweiser. On social media, the call for “Whassup!” has already paid off: This royal pairing is only available for a limited time this summer, but the call of “whassssssssssup” may ring in our ears forever.

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