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    When it comes to taking down competitors on Twitter, Wendys appetite is insatiable. Fast food chains typically target McDonalds for its Twitter failures or IHOP (and other industries) for changing its name to IHOb to promote a new burger series. Who can forget Wendys shameless response to Burger Kings party? But after Tiger Woods triple bogey at the US Open on Thursday, Wendy couldnt resist. His first hole was three strokes above par. “Tiger, next time you want to get tripled…” the fast food chain wrote, followed by a photo of a giant three-layer burger. For those unfamiliar with the golf world, a triple bogey means scoring three strokes or more above par on the first hole. So basically, Woods took a long time to finally sink the ball. Some high-pitched speakers couldnt help but drool over the towering burger: “This looks like heaven” – Bxrsting (@Bxrsting) June 14, 2018 “Looks delicious” – Invictu5 (@Not_Shiraz) June 14, 2018 Others didnt join Wendy in the ranks of golfers. “Wendy, why so stingy?” – Peter Kenyon (@pwk70) June 14, 2018 Some defended Woods honor in true Harry Potter style. But as long as Twitter gets a response, Wendy will joke. “Because we dont skimp on ingredients” – Wendy (@Wendys) June 14, 2018 The only question we leave is what relationship Woods now has with Wendy?

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