Sriracha被高估了吗? Andrew Zimmern,其他人谈论辣酱替代品

Sriracha被高估了吗? Andrew Zimmern,其他人谈论辣酱替代品


Momofuku背后的厨师兼餐厅长David Chang在每个地方都使用Sriracha。在布鲁克林,“Food Network Star”贾斯汀华纳几乎只在他的餐厅Do或Dine使用它.

“如果我感觉到的话,几乎任何事情都可以用喷射,”他说。 “没有什么可以接近的,就像问父母是否有一个他们认为与自己相似的孩子,我没有生下斯里拉查,但我已经采纳了它,并没有计划自己设想。”

因此,当一位法官本月早些时候裁定斯里拉查的制造商,位于加利福尼亚州Irwindale的Huy Fong Foods由于工厂产生的有害气味而停止生产时,粉丝纷纷崛起.

但不要害怕,斯里拉查爱好者。虽然城市说如果没有恶臭仍然可以制作辣酱,但无论在哪里结束,都有其他选择。而对于“Bizarre Foods”的主持人Andrew Zimmern来说,其中许多替代品(喘气!)比Sriracha更好.



“我知道斯里拉查是两极化的;我喜欢它,但对我来说,没有人比High River Sauces更好的调味酱,”纽约市Stanton Social and Beauty&Essex的厨师兼所有者Chris Santos说。他的最爱之一是Rogue,一种超级热的Moruga血橙和Scorpion辣椒酱,桑托斯解释说,“它正在灼热,但带有一丝甜味,来自红糖,梨和苹果,并且具有惊人的复杂性,这归功于大蒜和生姜的微妙味道。它简直太壮观了。“

他告诉,虽然他使用并欣赏了Sriracha,但纽约市梦幻市中心的厨师Michael Armstrong也开始倾向于其他辣酱。 “随着Sriracha的受欢迎程度越来越高,我肯定会转向其他辣酱。我最喜欢的是Tobanjan和Kochujang,日本和韩国的热酱,以芝麻为主,并且有很好的烤制味道,非常适合调味料,酱料和汤。“

至于Zimmern,他的一些令人垂涎的热酱包括来自伯利兹的Marie Sharp系列和来自路易斯安那州的流行的醋醋酱,他说“它具有非常美丽的辣椒风味”。他也是其他亚洲调味品的粉丝,推荐来自中国的Do Ban调味酱和来自日本的La-Yu Chili Oil,Zimmern认为这是不可抗拒的。加勒比辣酱也是他的榜首.

对于顽固的Sriracha粉丝,还有其他品牌的sriracha辣酱。在纽约的三明治Num Pang,共同拥有者和厨师Ratha Chaopoly更喜欢泰国制造的Shark Brand。 “我从小就吃这个,最令人印象深刻的是切碎的青芒果,豆芽,罗勒薄荷,洋葱和明火烤干乌贼,”Chaopoly告诉。 “我喜欢它的酸和甜味,以及最后的踢。”

Huy Fong Foods的团队没有计划让法官的法令结束这个心爱的品牌的生产,并在一份声明中说:“我们仍然开放运营,但如果我们被迫停止生产,将会减少20万每天给我们的产品装瓶。“尽管如此,Do或Dine厨师Warner并不担心.

“我们会弄清楚,我们是拉差人,”他说。 “如果我们必须在月球上种辣椒,从那个完美的绿色帽子上喷出来,我会自愿成为Buzz Aldrin。”

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any type of food or condiment. However, I can understand the popularity of Sriracha sauce among food enthusiasts and fast food lovers. It is interesting to see how chefs and restaurants incorporate Sriracha into their dishes, and how fans are passionate about it. While the recent court ruling on Huy Fong Foods has caused concern among Sriracha fans, there are still many other options available. Some food experts even argue that there are better alternatives than Sriracha, such as High River Sauces, Tobanjan, Kochujang, Marie Sharp series, La-Yu Chili Oil, and Caribbean hot sauce. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal taste and preference.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any type of food or condiment. However, I can understand the popularity of Sriracha sauce among food enthusiasts and fast food lovers. It is interesting to see how chefs and restaurants incorporate Sriracha into their dishes, and how fans are passionate about it. While the recent court ruling on Huy Fong Foods has caused concern among Sriracha fans, there are still many other options available. Some food experts even argue that there are better alternatives than Sriracha, such as High River Sauces, Tobanjan, Kochujang, Marie Sharp series, La-Yu Chili Oil, and Caribbean hot sauce. Ultimately, it is a matter of personal taste and preference.

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