‘Pringles ringle’是真实的,而且非常壮观

‘Pringles ringle’是真实的,而且非常壮观

中国的长城,埃及的金字塔,埃菲尔铁塔 – 与这一令人惊叹的新工程壮举相比,它们都显得苍白无力.


除了Pringles筹码和物理外,还有一个Pringles铃声由简·埃斯彭森(Jane Espenson)创作,他是ABC节目“黄飞鸿”的作家,也是“吸血鬼杀手巴菲”的前作家。






在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Scott Stump.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Chinese to English:

    “The Great Wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt, and the Eiffel Tower in France all pale in comparison to this amazing new engineering feat. Look, “Pringles crunches.” I did it! I built a Pringles crunch! No glue, just physics. – Jane Espenson (@JaneEspenson) October 24, 2016. In addition to Pringles chips and physics, there is also a Pringles ringtone created by Jane Espenson, a writer for ABCs “Yellow Flying Hong” and a former writer for “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” There are many tutorials on YouTube on how to make a Pringles ring, and Espenson completed it in a “no glue” way. Gravity and broken chips cannot stop its majesty. Related: Craving chips? You can find six healthier, crispy snacks at the grocery store. The Pringles crunch involves stacking chips together to form a sturdy base, then carefully layering more chips to create a salty, crispy wheel. Espensons creation has also inspired others to perform their own Pringles-related feats. Amazing!!! Retweet @jenninat0r: @JaneEspenson back to ya omg this is incredible pic.twitter.com/T23DjNCsua – Jane Espenson (@JaneEspenson) October 25, 2016. @JaneEspenson My daughter made one too, although not very self. pic.twitter.com/reu1Gvo6om – James Rooney (@jmrooney501) October 24, 2016. Since Espenson made sure they all reached their final destination, there was no waste of Pringles to make the ringtone. For those who say I waste food, dont worry. I ate all the Pringles after the crash. – Jane Espenson (@JaneEspenson) October 25, 2016. Follow TODAY.com writer Scott Stump on Twitter.”

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