亚马逊Prime优惠现已在12个州的Whole Foods提供

亚马逊Prime优惠现已在12个州的Whole Foods提供

Whole Foods正式在全国范围内推出其亚马逊Prime会员优惠.

期待已久的Prime会员独家优惠于5月17日在佛罗里达州的商店推出,并承诺在夏季结束时到达全国各地。现在,Whole Foods的Prime会员客户可以在12个州享受这些优惠.

从周三开始,亚马逊Prime会员可以在全国所有Whole Foods Market 365商店以及阿肯色州,科罗拉多州,佛罗里达州,爱达荷州,堪萨斯州,密苏里州,路易斯安那州,新墨西哥州,内华达州北部,加利福尼亚州北部的Whole Foods商店享受折扣。俄克拉荷马州和德克萨斯州.

要获得杂货优惠,Prime会员需要下载Whole Foods Market应用并使用他们的亚马逊账户登录。在店内结账时,客户可以扫描应用程序的Prime代码,折扣将在注册处取消。客户还可以使用他们的电话号码激活他们的帐户并在结账时保存.

去年6月,在线大型超市以137亿美元的价格收购了Whole Foods,它取消了现有的店内忠诚度计划,并一直等着看是否会创建新的程序(如果有的话).

在他的年度股东信中,亚马逊首席执行官杰夫贝索斯首次披露了该公司拥有多少Prime会员 – 而且这一数字超过1亿。贝索斯还表示亚马逊正致力于技术方面,以开发更多方式为Whole Foods提供不同的Prime优惠.

与2家小型企业会面,共创美好时光:Whole Foods Market


目前,折扣包括在整个商店中以黄色标签标记的额外10%折扣。每周轮换的特色商品也将享受仅限Prime折扣 – 亚马逊最新交易新闻稿中列出的许多当前特色商品均标有高达50%的折扣.

商店决定销售的方式将从区域商店选择产品和定价转向。展望未来,销售将由Whole Foods的德克萨斯总部决定,然后在全国范围内实施。这种做法反映了许多其他大型杂货店公司使用的通用商业模式.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the launch of Whole Foods Amazon Prime membership discounts across the United States, which began in Florida on May 17th and is expected to reach all states by the end of the summer. Prime members can enjoy discounts at Whole Foods stores in 12 states, and can access additional savings by downloading the Whole Foods Market app and using their Amazon account to log in. The article also mentions that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has revealed that the company has over 100 million Prime members and is committed to developing more ways to offer Prime benefits at Whole Foods.

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