如何调味铸铁锅,以便您可以使用它一辈子 2023



怎么样 to season your cast iron skillet



这里的 怎么季节 你的铸铁锅 赋予它完美的天然不粘手感.

  1. 用洗洁精和水轻轻擦洗铸铁盘,然后冲洗干净并完全晾干.
  2. 将烤箱预热到350华氏度。用铝箔衬一个带边框的烤盘,然后将烤盘放在烤箱的下架上.
  3. 用纸巾,用极轻的植物油,菜籽油或熔化的植物起酥油均匀地擦拭锅的四周(内侧和外侧)。这些都是具有高烟点的脂肪,这意味着它们将干净地烘烤而不是变粘. 不要用橄榄油或黄油调味你的铸铁锅 – 它们很适合做饭,只是不适合初始调味.
  4. 将锅倒置在烤箱的顶架上,烘烤1小时。关闭烤箱,将烤盘放入烤箱中,以便在烤箱冷却时完全冷却。这种在一层油上烘烤的过程增加了锅的天然保护性光泽,平滑了铸铁的粗糙纹理,并创造了一种不喷涂化学品的不粘涂层.
  5. 根据需要重复;一轮调味就足以让你开始了,随着你做饭,锅将继续增加调味料。如果想要获得调味奖励,可以在第一轮中加入培根,厚猪排或平底锅里的牛排。这些肉类中的天然脂肪将完成奇迹.

清洗经过调味的铸铁锅就像冲洗一样简单 – 在非常热的水下用干净的毛巾或柔软的海绵擦拭,然后彻底晾干。为了给平底锅带来额外的爱,用一层非常轻的植物油或菜籽油擦干净的锅,放在中低火上几分钟.

Al Roker制作完美的铸铁牛排



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  1. As an ever-lasting and reliable cooking method, there is no reason why anyone should be intimidated by using cast iron. After all, it has stood the test of time and has been proven by professional chefs for centuries, including the Puritans. However, before you establish a lifelong relationship with your cast iron pan, you must first season it. If you purchase a new pan from Lodge, you are already one step ahead: the American manufacturer pre-seasons its cast iron cookware with a thin layer of baking oil before each piece leaves the factory. However, even a brand new skillet needs a little TLC to fry its first egg, and if you score an old-fashioned cast iron skillet at a tag sale or inherit a second-hand flat-bottomed pan, it will be twice as important. Heres how to season your cast iron pan to give it a perfect natural non-stick feel. Gently scrub the cast iron pan with dish soap and water, then rinse thoroughly and let it dry completely. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil and place it on the lower rack of the oven. Using a paper towel, evenly wipe the four sides of the pan (inside and outside) with a very light coating of vegetable oil, canola oil, or melted vegetable shortening. These are fats with high smoke points, which means they will bake clean instead of becoming sticky. Do not season your cast iron pan with olive oil or butter – they are great for cooking, just not for initial seasoning. Place the pan upside down on the top rack of the oven and bake for 1 hour. Turn off the oven and leave the pan in the oven to cool completely as the oven cools. This baking-on-a-layer-of-oil process adds a natural protective shine to the pan, smooths out the rough texture of the cast iron, and creates a non-stick coating without spraying chemicals. Repeat as needed; one round of seasoning is enough to get you started, and as you cook, the pan will continue to build up seasoning. For a seasoning bonus, add bacon, thick pork chops, or steaks in the skillet during the first round. The natural fat in these meats will work wonders. Cleaning a seasoned cast iron pan is as easy as rinsing it – wipe it with a clean towel or soft sponge under very hot water, then let it dry thoroughly. To give your flat-bottomed pan some extra love, wipe it clean

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