


1月24日,河马的菲奥娜将变成1!为了庆祝,Graeter的冰淇淋(总部位于可爱的小河马家乡辛辛那提)正在重新发布她最初启发的限量版冰淇淋:Chunky Chunky Hippo.


这款冰淇淋配有一个太妃糖底座,里面装满了盐渍烤花生和牛奶巧克力焦糖松露,不仅看起来很美味 – 它还有助于支持一个甜蜜的事业:每品脱销售的部分收益都捐给了辛辛那提动物园和植物园花园。新品脱还将包括辛辛那提艺术家Loren Long的Fiona新插图.

新款将于1月14日在Graeters.com上在线提供。从1月17日开始,您还可以在Kroger,Whole Foods,Fresh Market以及Graeter在中西部的所有53个勺子中挑选风味。.



去年,Fiona在辛辛那提动物园过早出生并且出生时体重只有29磅(嘿,她是河马!)后成为病毒感染者。小河马的正常出生体重在50到120磅之间 – 但多亏了动物园的工作人员,这一切最终都很棒.

出生后,菲奥娜由动物园工作人员进行手工护理,数百万人在Facebook上观看了她的进展。她的旅程使她成为一个真正的社交媒体明星,而且Fiona Christmas Special被超过1700万人观看!

将近一年(和数百英镑),菲奥娜健康快乐 – 这足以让我们所有人都庆祝.


Chunky Chunky Hippo最初于2023年7月推出,旨在纪念河马的诞生。 “Fiona继续以多种方式将来自世界各地的人们聚集在一起,”动物园营销副总裁Chad Yelton当时在接受媒体采访时表示。 “我们感谢Graeter’s的支持,并很高兴与过去六个月在她周围聚集的社区分享这款Fiona风格的冰淇淋口味。”

看到Fiona the hippo photobomb是一个婚礼提案


那么菲奥娜将如何庆祝她的重要里程碑呢?不幸的是,河马甚至不能吃冰淇淋,辛辛那提动物园的代表通过电子邮件告诉TODAY Food。但动物园将于1月20日向Fiona举办派对,人们可以在那里享用蛋糕,冰淇淋,并与帮助Fiona恢复健康的团队交谈。该代表补充说,冰淇淋原始发售的销售额导致向动物园捐赠10,000美元.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses a new way of dealing with extreme cold temperatures and the release of a limited edition ice cream flavor inspired by Fiona the hippo, a social media star from the Cincinnati Zoo. The Chunky Chunky Hippo ice cream flavor is made with a toffee base, salted roasted peanuts, and milk chocolate caramel truffles, and a portion of the sales will be donated to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. The article also mentions Fionas early birth and her journey to becoming a social media sensation. The article concludes by wishing Fiona a happy birthday and announcing a party in her honor at the Cincinnati Zoo.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article. The article talks about a new way of cold treatment that allows people to smile even in below-zero temperatures. It also mentions the release of a limited edition ice cream called Chunky Chunky Hippo, inspired by Fiona the hippo, to celebrate her first birthday. The ice cream is made with a toffee base, salted roasted peanuts, and milk chocolate caramel truffles, and a portion of the sales will be donated to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. Fiona, who was born prematurely and became a viral sensation, will have a party on January 20th to celebrate her milestone.

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