



虽然独角兽冰淇淋可能是美国最热门的冰淇淋,但苏格兰福尔柯克的ICE工匠冰淇淋最近向社交媒体追随者询问了他们最新的“奇怪”味道,其中包括一些Hellmann’s Real蛋黄酱的味道。.






ICE Falkirk不仅仅使用调味品来制作其美丽的冰淇淋口味。他们目前有一个Monster能量饮料冰淇淋和神秘的“捣蛋”味道。 mayo风味现在正在销售,零售价为2磅(约合2.60美元).

为了结束蛋黄酱的争论(或者可能只是为火灾添加更多燃料),ICE的老板凯尔绅士告诉TODAY Food甜点真正的味道。这是一个“完全受到脂肪和奶油的影响,然后伴随着浓郁的乳白色回味……真是太棒了!”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    “Are there any condiments that split like mayonnaise? After all, Hellmanns has sparked food virus debates more than once. But this time, condiments have quietly entered the world of desserts. The creation of cool and creamy flavors has caused a sensation. Although unicorn ice cream may be the most popular ice cream in the United States, ICE Falkirk, Scotlands ice cream maker, recently asked their social media followers about their latest “weird” flavors, including the taste of Hellmanns Real mayonnaise. Some Twitter users were slow to judge and pointed out that egg-based mayonnaise ice cream is not far from custard and may actually be delightful. Others say it can make the recipe lighter and creamier, just like adding it to cake. It may not be that bad, right? It could make the ice cream super creamy and light instead of tasting like mayonnaise? I have a chocolate cake recipe with mayonnaise that makes the cake super moist and brings out the chocolate flavor! @simonrim, what do you think as a chef? But others find the taste too extreme…and just the thought of washing it off. ICE Falkirk not only uses condiments to make their beautiful ice cream flavors. They currently have a Monster energy drink ice cream and a mysterious “mischief” flavor. The mayo flavor is now on sale for £2 (about $2.60). To end the mayonnaise debate (or perhaps just add more fuel to the fire), ICEs owner, Kyle Gentleman, told TODAY Food the true taste of the dessert. Its a “completely fat and cream-influenced, followed by a rich milky aftertaste…its really great!” For those who are afraid to try Hellmans ice cream, there will always be this mayonnaise beauty hack to try! But if you really, really love mayo, why not just enjoy the condiment spoonful by spoonful straight from the jar.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Are there any condiments that split like mayonnaise? After all, Hellmanns has sparked food virus debates more than once. But this time, condiments have quietly entered the world of desserts. The creation of cool and creamy flavors has caused a sensation. Although unicorn ice cream may be the most popular ice cream in the United States, ICE Falkirk, Scotlands ice cream maker, recently asked their social media followers about their latest “weird” flavors, including the taste of Hellmanns Real mayonnaise. “Who knows a mayo addict?” the ice cream maker asked on social media. Some Twitter users were not quick to judge and pointed out that egg-based mayo ice cream is not far from custard and may actually be delightful. Others said it could make the recipe lighter and creamier, just like adding it to cake. Could it not be that bad? Could it make the ice cream super creamy and light instead of tasting like mayonnaise? I have a chocolate cake recipe with mayonnaise that makes the cake super moist and brings out the chocolate flavor! @simonrim, what do you think as a chef? But others found the flavor too extreme…and just the thought of washing it off. ICE Falkirk doesnt just use condiments to make their beautiful ice cream flavors. They currently have a Monster energy drink ice cream and a mysterious “mischief” flavor. The mayo flavor is now on sale for £2 (about $2.60). To end the debate over mayonnaise (or perhaps just add more fuel to the fire), ICEs owner, Kyle Gentleman, told TODAY Food the true taste of the dessert. Its a “completely fat and cream-influenced flavor, followed by a rich milky aftertaste…its really great!” For those afraid to try Hellmans ice cream, theres always this mayo beauty hack to try! But if you really, really love mayo, why not just enjoy the condiment spoonful by spoonful straight from the jar.”

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