





“为什么你向我收取更多费用,我订购了同样的东西!”一个女人惊呼,指着她的男同伴。另一位女士要求将她的炸鸡块从粉红色的盒子里取出,这样她才能按正常价格收费。 “你不喜欢粉红色吗?”收银员问道.



汉堡包 King takes on Pink Tax

汉堡王北美区总裁克里斯托弗菲纳佐在一份声明中说:“汉堡王餐厅欢迎大家,我们认为粉红税非常不公平。” “我们用粉丝最喜欢的炸薯条创造了这个实验,以展示Pink Tax的效果,以及每个人应该为同样的产品付出相同的代价 – 无论是粉红色还是粉红色。”

根据纽约市消费者事务部的数据,“女性”产品(通常以粉色或淡色调容器呈现)的成本比男性产品高出13%。这包括剃须刀,除臭剂,沐浴露甚至耳塞等物品。 4月,一项粉红色税务废除法案被引入国会,试图惩罚基于性别的定价歧视.


当然,汉堡王并不是第一个使用食品来关注女性购买产品时所面临的不平等的品牌。 2016年,GirlTalkHQ在多伦多接受了一杯咖啡,并向女性收取的费用高于男性.

这也不是汉堡王第一次尝试通过食物来解决社会问题。 1月份,该连锁店发布了一则关于网络中立性重要性的广告。 2023年,他们发布了一个关于欺凌的社交实验点,在网上获得了很多赞誉.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of the “pink tax,” where products marketed towards women are often more expensive than similar products marketed towards men. Burger King recently highlighted this issue by selling “chick fries” in a pink box at almost double the price of regular chicken fries. Many customers were outraged and demanded to be charged the same price for the same product regardless of the packaging. The article also mentions a bill introduced in Congress to abolish the pink tax. Burger Kings campaign is not the first time a brand has used food to address social issues, as they previously released ads about net neutrality and bullying.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the issue of the “pink tax,” where products marketed towards women are often more expensive than similar products marketed towards men. Burger King recently highlighted this issue by selling “chick fries” in a pink box at almost double the price of regular chicken fries. Many customers were outraged and demanded to be charged the same price for the same product regardless of the packaging. The article also mentions a bill introduced in Congress to abolish the pink tax. Burger Kings campaign is not the first time a brand has used food to address social issues, as they previously released ads about net neutrality and bullying.

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