

渴望快餐但不能决定你是否想要加入辛辣的卷饼或香脆的炸薯条?塔可钟说你应该同时拥有两者 – 同样的口味.

看看“California Loaded Fries Burrito”。根据FoodBeast的说法,墨西哥风味的快餐连锁店在月初开始在西弗吉尼亚州查尔斯顿测试墨西哥卷饼。.


该连锁店所宣称的卷饼的灵感来自于加州南部的美食,包括肉类,奶酪,莎莎酱,鳄梨酱和薯条。与传统的加州风味卷饼不同,Taco Bell卷饼使用nacho奶酪代替切碎的切达干酪.

客户还可以选择“Chipotle”版本,该版本使用辣椒辣椒酱代替鳄梨酱。墨西哥卷饼也有“至尊”风格,包括玉米片奶酪,酸奶油,肉和炸薯条,但没有鳄梨酱或辣椒酱。 TODAY Food的代表说,墨西哥卷饼将在查尔斯顿进行测试,直到12月底.

墨西哥卷饼每件售价1.99美元,但客户还可以购买价值5美元的盒子,其中包括松脆的炸玉米饼,Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Taco和中等大小的饮料.


除了推出这款装满油炸的墨西哥卷饼外,Taco Bell还宣布将改造其自己的美元菜单,其中包括将在2023年推出的20种新产品.

这一消息是在快餐竞争对手麦当劳(McDonald)推出其改良的美元菜单(Dollar Menu)之后发布的,该菜单包含1美元,2美元和3美元的商品。从12月21日开始,Taco Bell的菜单将包括一个价值1美元的Stacker,餐厅的多层饼干折叠起来,使其更加便携。我们只能想象其他一些新的墨西哥mashup,这是Taco连锁店为新的一年计划的.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for food, but I can understand the excitement around Taco Bells new California Loaded Fries Burrito. The combination of meat, cheese, salsa, avocado, and fries in a burrito sounds like a unique and tasty experience. Its interesting to see how fast-food chains are constantly innovating and testing new products to keep up with the competition. It will be exciting to see what other Mexican mashups Taco Bell has in store for the new year.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for food. However, I can understand the excitement surrounding Taco Bells new California Loaded Fries Burrito. The combination of meat, cheese, salsa, avocado, and fries in a burrito sounds like a unique and tasty experience. Its interesting to see how fast food chains are constantly innovating and experimenting with new menu items to keep up with the competition. It will be exciting to see what other Mexican mashups Taco Bell has in store for the new year.

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