

没有什么比在爆米花碗的底部找到一堆悲伤的,未爆裂的内核更令人沮丧的了。这种浪费的潜力!通常罪魁祸首是微波炉预先设定的爆米花设置 – 我只是没有足够的能力来彻底弹出每一个内核。我最近决定自己动手,在这个过程中,偶然发现了有史以来最令人上瘾的自制爆米花。不需要配方!

怎么样 to make popcorn at home


我从一袋没有爆裂的未爆破的爆米花开始。 (通常我会找到纽曼自己的“天然香料微波炉爆米花”,但任何低盐,未经加工的品种都可以。)我的微波爆米花设置要求将内核切换1分45秒,但我忽略了这一点并对机器进行编程高两分30秒.

你可能不需要这么多时间。大约一分钟后,内核开始像疯了一样爆炸,并继续坚持一段时间。仔细聆听流行音乐,将手放在微波炉门的把手上,准备好开始行动。一旦你可以在流行音乐之间计算两秒钟 – 而不是更长时间,或者你最终会被烧焦的残渣 – 把门拉开,小心地抓住爆米花袋,然后把它撕开一个大碗,这样蒸汽就可以了逃脱。需要多长时间取决于微波炉的强度,微波炉的强度因机器而异.




我是水壶玉米的坚果,所以我喜欢用两汤匙糖和一茶匙盐撒上爆米花。现在这里的事情变得有趣了:我的秘方是一茶匙生姜。相信我,它是令人难以置信的 – 甜,咸,只是有点辣。你永远不会再找到黄油色的剧院式爆米花了.


简单 Spiked Chocolate Popcorn



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Theres nothing more frustrating than finding a bunch of sad, unpopped kernels at the bottom of your popcorn bowl. What a waste of potential! The usual culprit is the microwave popcorn setting – I just dont have the skill to fully pop every kernel. Recently, I decided to take matters into my own hands and accidentally discovered the most addictive homemade popcorn ever. No recipe needed! Rachel Tapperelli on how to properly plant corn. I started with a bag of unpopped popcorn kernels. (Usually, I would find Newmans Own “Natural Flavor Microwave Popcorn,” but any low-salt, unprocessed variety will do.) My microwave popcorn setting calls for switching the kernels for 1 minute and 45 seconds, but I ignored that and programmed the machine for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You may not need that much time. About a minute in, the kernels start exploding like crazy and continue for a while. Listen carefully to pop music, put your hand on the microwave door handle, and get ready to act. Once you can count two seconds between pop songs – no longer, or youll end up with burnt residue – pull the door open, carefully grab the popcorn bag, and tear it open over a big bowl so the steam can escape. The amount of time needed depends on the microwaves strength, which varies by machine. Related: Popcorn Power! Gail Simmons Favorite Flavors. Watch closely: hardly any unpopped kernels! This means more popcorn to eat, which means youre happier. Season the popcorn. Im a nut for kettle corn, so I like to sprinkle two tablespoons of sugar and a teaspoon of salt on my popcorn. Now things get interesting: my secret ingredient is a teaspoon of ginger. Trust me, its incredible – sweet, salty, and just a little spicy. Youll never go back to buttery, theater-style popcorn again. Play with the measurements as you please. Some people like more sugar and salt, while others prefer more ginger to add heat. Whatever you like, make sure to mix everything well so the popcorn is evenly seasoned. Then dig in while its still hot! Provided by Annabel Langbein. Get the recipe. Easy-Peasy Chocolate Popcorn. Annabel Langbein.

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