适合足球赛季的鳄梨酱保护剂?你有 guac 开玩笑吧!
没有什么比自制鳄梨酱更好的了。但是,问题是,它只在很短的时间内发挥作用。你不能真的在派对之前做得太远或者保留剩菜,因为它在短短几个小时内变成了棕色 – 这样的浪费.
但现在,这个简单的容器正在改变人们储存guac的方式。它让它保持新鲜。是的,你没看错: 天.
Casabella Guac-Lock容器,17美元(通常20美元),亚马逊
Casabella Guac-Lock容器
$ 17亚马逊
难怪Kathie Lee和Hoda将它命名为他们最喜欢的东西之一.
当鳄梨暴露在空气中时会变成褐色(这就是为什么人们使用特殊的容器来储存它们)。但是,Casabella Guac-Lock容器可让您在存放鳄梨酱之前将所有空气压出。所以,它不会改变颜色或变坏.
亚马逊上的一位评论家称这个容器是“有史以来发明的最好的东西。”即使是今天自己的Kathie Lee Gifford也喜欢它,把它命名为她最喜欢的东西之一.
带托盘的Casabella Guac-Lock容器,26美元,亚马逊
带托盘的Casabella Guac-Lock容器
$ 26亚马逊
Slita Avocado Saver,16美元(通常为13美元),亚马逊
Joie Fresh Pod牛油果守护者储存容器
$ 6亚马逊
Oxo Good Grips三合一牛油果切片机,10美元,亚马逊
OXO Good Grips 3合1鳄梨切片机
$ 10亚马逊
这款三合一切片机是亚马逊的最爱,我们可以看到原因!该工具的一端可轻松将鳄梨切成两半;接下来去除坑;第三个将水果切成均匀的切片。一,二,三 – 完成.
$ 20亚马逊
As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese to English:
Suitable avocado sauce preservative for football season? Are you kidding me with guac! There is nothing better than homemade avocado sauce. However, the problem is that it only works for a short period of time. You cant really make it too far ahead of time or keep leftovers because it turns brown in just a few hours – such a waste. But now, this simple container is changing the way people store guac. It keeps it fresh. Yes, you read that right: for days. The Casabella Guac-Lock container, $17 (usually $20), Amazon. No wonder Kathie Lee and Hoda named it one of their favorite things. When avocados are exposed to air, they turn brown (which is why people use special containers to store them). But the Casabella Guac-Lock container allows you to press all the air out before storing the avocado sauce. So, it wont change color or go bad. Its also very easy to use. Just fill the container with dip, then smooth it out with a knife or spoon. Then, put the lid on and lock it with three clips. Place it on the “elevator” (the white base that comes with the Guac-Lock) and press down to remove the air. Once the tilt starts peeking out from the top hole, close the big label and put it in the fridge. This product keeps your avocado sauce fresh. Julie Pennell.