


心脏病发烧烧烤餐厅(Heart Attack Grill)是一家名为“四重绕道汉堡”(Quadruple Bypass Burger)(以其9,982卡路里的热量举办吉尼斯世界纪录)而闻名的心脏病烧烤餐厅(Heart Attack Grill)试图阻止第二大道熟食店来自销售即时心脏病发作。但是一位联邦法官裁定赞成熟食店,让我可以前往上东区尝试这个有争议的美食.


虽然804卡路里的三明治对于你的腰围并不像Heart Attack Grill的Quadruple Bypass汉堡那样具有灾难性,它的卡路里含有12倍的卡路里,但肯定会让你的钱包有24.95美元。但如果您还有更多的余地,可以试试全新的Triple Bypass,其中包括第三款车,售价34.95美元.

因此,如果你正在寻找一个放纵的三明治,这将成功。最好的部分是,你可能会活着,不像有些人在Heart Attack Grill吃过饭. 

有关Sarah Spigelman的更多信息,请查看Fritos和Foie Gras.  

更多来自TODAY Food:

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the text appears to be discussing a controversial sandwich from a New York City deli that promises to cause an instant heart attack. The Heart Attack Grill, a restaurant known for its high-calorie burgers, tried to stop the deli from selling the sandwich, but a federal judge ruled in favor of the deli. The article goes on to describe the taste of the sandwich, which is said to be decadent and satisfying, but also high in calories. The author suggests that if youre looking for an indulgent sandwich, this one might be worth trying.

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