星巴克正在推出冰淇淋饮料 – 这里可以找到它们

星巴克正在推出冰淇淋饮料 – 这里可以找到它们

星巴克的冰淇淋 – 人们想知道,为什么多年前没有这样做?从2月15日开始,波士顿,芝加哥,洛杉矶,马里兰州和华盛顿特区的星巴克咖啡馆将提供以冰淇淋为基础的餐巾,冷酿麦芽和冷酿花车的菜单,该连锁餐厅已确认为TODAY Food.

星巴克 ice cream drinks

关于新赛事的消息并不完全令人惊讶:Affogato饮料开始出现在西雅图的星巴克储备Roastery和品酒室的菜单上 – 这是该连锁店最新创新的基础 – 早在六月。去年夏天,摩卡,焦糖和香草豆Affogato Frappuccinos也出现在全国各地的菜单上.

相关:如此接近,星巴克! Hoda Kotb分享了热闹的名字




好吧,affogatos简单但美味:热浓咖啡倒在香草冰淇淋上。 (Affogato意为“淹死”。)冰淇淋开始融化,将奶油咖啡风味结合在一起.



它的价格比星冰乐价格贵,价格在4美元到5美元不等,但很高兴知道这款冰淇淋来自华盛顿班布里奇岛上一小批手工冰淇淋制造商Mora Iced Creamery,一艘渡轮远离西雅图的烘焙.

星巴克 Ice Cream Drinks
星巴克Cold Brew Float星巴克

奶昔和漂浮爱好者,请注意:Cold Brew Floats和Cold Brew Malts也将提供.

浮子和“超厚”麦芽奶昔将提供冷啤酒或硝基咖啡 – 后者注入微小的氮气泡,可以提供成熟的根 – 啤酒漂浮品质,当然,咖啡因的额外好处.


只有时间才能证明冰淇淋饮料是否会粘在一起 – 当然,推广的扩展取决于性能.


星巴克 ice cream drinks



•Classic Affogato(5.5盎司,6美元):两片我们的Reserve小批量浓缩咖啡倒在香草冰淇淋上

•House Affogato(6盎司,6.50美元):两片我们的Reserve小批量浓缩咖啡,带有淡淡的demerara糖浆,倒在香草冰淇淋上,撒上肉桂粉

•Cold Brew Float(12或16盎司,7.50美元或8美元):我们的储备小批量冷酿造,带有大量的香草冰淇淋。使用硝基,8.50美元或9美元


相关:星巴克宣布其2023年第一款拿铁咖啡 – 这就是“卡斯卡拉拿铁咖啡”中的内容




•经典Espresso Affogato Tall(12盎司,5.25美元):两杯意式浓缩咖啡倒在香草冰淇淋上

•星巴克Narino 70 Cold Brew Float Tall(12盎司,5.95美元):我们的冷饮倒在香草冰淇淋上(含硝基,1美元以上)

•星巴克Narino 70冷酿麦芽高(12盎司,6.40美元):我们的冷酿造混合冰淇淋,麦芽和巧克力苦味



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Starbucks Ice Cream – People wonder why they didnt do this years ago? Starting February 15, Starbucks cafes in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. will offer a menu based on ice cream, cold-brewed malt, and cold-brewed flower cars, the chain has confirmed for TODAY Food. Starbucks Ice Cream Affogato drinks today The news about the new event is not entirely surprising: Affogato drinks began appearing on the menus of Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Rooms in Seattle – the basis of the chains latest innovation – as early as June. Last summer, Mocha, Caramel, and Vanilla Bean Affogato Frappuccinos also appeared on menus nationwide. So the clues are there. But for those who are inexperienced, what is the importance of a relationship? Well, affogatos are simple but delicious: hot espresso poured over vanilla ice cream. (Affogato means “drowned.”) The ice cream begins to melt, combining the creamy coffee flavor together. Unless you have an espresso machine at home, theyre also hard to make yourself, which adds to the allure of Starbucks selling them. Theyre priced on the menu at around $5.25 to $6. Its price is more expensive than the price of Starbucks iced coffee, which ranges from $4 to $5, but its nice to know that this ice cream comes from Mora Iced Creamery, a small batch artisanal ice cream maker on Bainbridge Island, Washington, a ferry ride away from Seattle. Starbucks Cold Brew Float Starbucks Milkshake and Float enthusiasts, take note: Cold Brew Floats and Cold Brew Malts will also be offered. Floats and “super thick” malted milkshakes will be offered with cold beer or nitro coffee – the latter injected with tiny nitrogen bubbles that can provide a mature root-beer float quality, and of course, the added benefit of caffeine. Only time will tell if the ice cream drinks will stick together – of course, the expansion of promotions depends on performance. Hey, test markets, overall orders, so they come to us, okay? Starbucks Cold Brew Malt Shake Starbucks During this time, please check out the full menu of affogato products that Starbucks is sharing with us here: Affogato

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