- 2杯坚果
- 1小捏犹太洁食或细海盐
- 1汤匙砂糖
- 6汤匙无盐黄油,融化
- 喷洒9英寸馅饼盘,不含麸质,不粘锅的烹饪喷雾。将烤箱预热至350度.
- 将坚果,糖和盐放入食品加工机中并脉动直至磨碎。在融化的黄油中脉动。将混合物均匀地压入准备好的馅饼盘中。确保你把它弄出来。烤12至15分钟,或直到变成褐色并且相当固定。从烤箱出来时它可能仍然有点软;别担心,它会坚定起来。在填充之前完全碰撞,特别是如果归档是不烘烤的.
来自Simply。 。 。 Carol Kicinski的无麸质甜点。版权所有©2011作者,并经过Thomas Dunne Books的许可转载,这是St. Martin’s Press,LLC的印记
This text is written in Chinese and talks about a recipe for a gluten-free dessert. It includes a list of ingredients and instructions on how to prepare it. The recipe calls for nuts, salt, sugar, and melted butter, which are blended together and pressed into a pie dish. The dish is then baked in the oven until it turns brown and firm. The recipe is credited to Carol Kicinski and was originally published on iVillage.