

我们想让你进入一个小秘密…好吧,实际上,这是一个秘密 .

麦当劳正在赠送10,000瓶Big Mac Special Sauce,这是金色双彩虹末端的宝藏。千岛之类的调料是每个汉堡关节模仿其“特殊”或“秘密”酱之后;这是一种神奇的药水,将一个无聊的汉堡变成了传奇的巨无霸.

相关:麦当劳的Chicken McGriddle,这是一种你从未知道自己需要的糖浆鸡肉三明治

大 Mac Special Sauce from McDonald's
Mac Jr.,Big Mac,Grand Big Mac和Big Mac Special Sauce。什么阵容.麦当劳



相关:麦当劳的鸡肉McNuggets有4种形状 – 它们有名字!


麦当劳创建了一个iMessage应用程序,可以找到离你最近的链条,麦当劳的代表通过电子邮件确认。它可以在运行iOS 10的任何iPhone,iPad或iPod上从App Store下载。一旦你到达该位置,你必须分享密码 – “有一个巨无霸” – 有机会抓住自己。数量因地点而异.

麦当劳's Big Mac Special Sauce
第一瓶Big Mac Special Sauce被送给了Big Mac的已故发明者Jim Delligatti的家人.Gene J. Puskar / McDonald’s


第一瓶已经送给了去年11月去世的巨人Mac的已故创造者Jim Delligatti的家人.


如果你不是剩下的9,999名获胜者之一,那么你 能够 按照麦当劳加拿大2012年发布的演示制作您自己的版本:


About the author


  1. Wow, 麦当劳 is giving away 10,000 bottles of their Big Mac Special Sauce! This is a secret sauce that turns a boring burger into a legendary Big Mac. Its amazing how a simple sauce can make such a big difference. Im excited to try it out and see what all the hype is about. Its great that theyre also releasing new burgers like the Mac Jr., Big Mac, Grand Big Mac, and the two new versions of the Big Mac. For those who want to get their hands on a bottle, you can download the iMessage app to find the nearest McDonalds location and share the password “Theres a Big Mac for that” to get a chance to grab one. Its also nice to know that the first bottle was given to the family of Jim Delligatti, the inventor of the Big Mac. For those who dont win a bottle, theres always the option to make your own version using the recipe that McDonalds Canada released in 2012. I cant wait to try it out!

  2. Wow, 麦当劳 is giving away 10,000 bottles of their Big Mac Special Sauce! This is a secret sauce that turns a boring burger into a legendary Big Mac. Its amazing how a simple sauce can make such a big difference. Im excited to try it out and see what all the hype is about. Its great that theyre also releasing new burgers like the Mac Jr., Big Mac, Grand Big Mac, and the Chicken McGriddle. I cant wait to get my hands on a bottle of this special sauce. For those who cant get a bottle, they can always try making their own version using the recipe that was released in 2012. Thank you, 麦当劳, for sharing this secret with us!

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