你可能会说’里斯’错了 – 这是正确的方法

你可能会说’里斯’错了 – 这是正确的方法

让我们面对现实 – 一些品牌名称发音可能很棘手。关于许多人,包括Nutella,IKEA和Zara,过去一直有激烈的辩论,但现在有一个新的引起轰动.



那么,辩论是什么?有些人坚持称它为“Rees-EES”,因为它与“CiCi”押韵,尽管商业广告总是将其称为“Rees-IS”,因为它与“碎片”押韵。(尽管那些在“Rees-EES”上“方似乎发出糖果品种”Rees-EES Piec-EESE。“)


Spoon大学最近写了一篇关于糖果历史的文章,它很好地解释了为什么它的发音方式。 Reese的花生酱杯以他们的创始人Harry Burnett Reese的名字命名,所以这是他姓氏的占有形式。就像你在谈论Reese Witherspoon的电影一样:你会说“Reese的电影”。

但是,如果你在团队“Rees-EES”,请不要太沮丧。光明的一面是,无论你怎么称呼它,它仍然味道同样美味。 (但是,让我们说清楚:你还是错的。)

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English for better understanding:

    Lets face it – some brand names can be tricky to pronounce. There has been a heated debate about the correct pronunciation of many popular brands, including Nutella, IKEA, and Zara, but now there is a new one causing a stir. Apparently, there is some confusion about how to say “Reeses” for the popular peanut butter candy. This is such a hot-button issue that the argument even made it into the latest season of “Orange is the New Black.” Some people insist on calling it “Rees-EES” because it rhymes with “CiCi,” although commercial ads always refer to it as “Rees-IS” because it rhymes with “pieces.” (Although those who are on team “Rees-EES” seem to pronounce the candy variety as “Rees-EES Piec-EESE.”)

    Need confirmation? This is a 2017 commodity that includes the products audible pronunciation:

    Spoon University recently wrote an article about candy history, which explains why its pronounced that way. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are named after their founder, Harry Burnett Reese, so its the possessive form of his surname. Just like when you talk about Reese Witherspoons movies: you would say “Reeses movies.”

    But if you pronounce Reeses as “ree-seeing,” I just want to understand why you dont understand how the apostrophe shows possession.

    However, if youre on team “Rees-EES,” dont be too discouraged. The bright side is that no matter how you call it, it still tastes just as delicious. (But lets be clear: youre still wrong.)

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