

就我们而言 一切 白天应该是庆祝咖啡的一天,但如果你需要额外的一杯或两杯乔的借口 – 除了越来越多的证据表明咖啡对你有好处 – 你将在9月29日星期五有一个,因为它是国民咖啡天.

查看我们的Dunkin’Donuts,Krispy Kreme,Peet等的免费赠品清单。另外,请密切关注您最喜欢的社交媒体Feed,以获取当地的#NationalCoffeeDay优惠.

礼貌Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme: Krispy Kreme将在周末延长全国咖啡日,在周五,周六和周日为顾客提供一杯免费咖啡(任何大小的热饮或小冰淇淋).

邓肯甜甜圈: 今年的全国咖啡日,Dunkin’Donuts正在向购买中型,大型或特大杯热咖啡的人赠送免费的中等热咖啡。所以你可以对待一个朋友或自己获得额外的自我.

全食物: 在全国咖啡日,Allegro咖啡公司将从Whole Foods Market咖啡馆购买的每批咖啡中捐赠1美元捐赠给全球基金会(最高40,000美元),该基金会资助全球各地的贫困扶贫项目。市场来源产品.

礼貌的Peet’s Coffee

Peet的咖啡: Peet’s有几个全国咖啡日促销活动,包括所有豆类25%的折扣,以及在参与的Peet咖啡馆购买豆子的免费滴漏咖啡或茶,以及所有常规,非订阅,购买豆类的25%折扣在Peets.com上使用促销代码“COFFEEDAY17”。如果您购买这些咖啡豆,请查看我们的指南,了解如何在家酿造最好的咖啡.

知识分子: 在全国咖啡日,Intelligentsia在零售店和网上提供全部12盎司全豆咖啡3美元优惠(促销活动是他们常规周五烘焙特别活动的扩展)。作为Intelligentsia参与1,000 Pours慈善筹款活动之夜的一部分,客户将获得捐赠3美元而非保留的选项。 Intelligentsia将匹配每捐赠3美元,并将所有收益用于德克萨斯州和佛罗里达州的飓风救济.

驯鹿咖啡: Caribou还帮助其客户在全国咖啡日帮助其他人,向CancerCare捐赠10%的Amy’s Blend Coffee,商品以及所有Caribou Coffee Signature Blend和Single Origin购买.

麦当劳: 您不必等到这一周的全国咖啡日 – 麦当劳目前正在进行限时促销活动,客户只需2美元就可以购买任何小型麦咖啡特色饮料.

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    For us, every day should be a celebration of coffee, but if you need an excuse for an extra cup or two – besides the growing evidence that coffee is good for you – youll have one on Friday, September 29th, because its National Coffee Day. Check out our list of freebies from Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Peets, and more. Also, keep an eye on your favorite social media feed for local #NationalCoffeeDay deals. Courtesy of Krispy Kreme, Krispy Kreme: Krispy Kreme is extending National Coffee Day into the weekend, offering customers a free cup of coffee (any size hot or small iced) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Dunkin Donuts: For this years National Coffee Day, Dunkin Donuts is giving away a free medium hot coffee to anyone who purchases a medium, large, or extra-large cup of hot coffee. So you can treat a friend or yourself to an extra self. Whole Foods: On National Coffee Day, Allegro Coffee Company will donate $1 from every batch of coffee purchased from Whole Foods Market cafes to the Whole Planet Foundation (up to $40,000), which funds poverty alleviation projects around the world. Courtesy of Peets Coffee, Peets Coffee: Peets has several National Coffee Day promotions, including 25% off all beans and free drip coffee or tea with the purchase of beans at participating Peets cafes, as well as 25% off all regular, non-subscription bean purchases on Peets.com using promo code “COFFEEDAY17.” If youre buying these coffee beans, check out our guide to brewing the best coffee at home. Intelligentsia: On National Coffee Day, Intelligentsia is offering a $3 discount on all 12-ounce whole bean coffees in retail stores and online (the promotion is an extension of their regular Friday Roasters Choice special). As part of the 1,000 Pours charity fundraising event, in which Intelligentsia is participating, customers will have the option to donate $3 instead of keeping the discount. Intelligentsia will match every $3 donation and all proceeds will go to hurricane relief in Texas and Florida. Caribou Coffee: Car

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