

Twitter已成为 人们就严肃和愚蠢的问题发表意见的平台。很多时候,那些不那么严肃的意见都与食物有关.





虽然有很多食谱可以纪念经典的PB&J,但这场辩论都是关于基础知识:你会传播花生酱吗?, 然后 在关闭三明治之前将果冻放在同一片上?或者你把花生酱涂在一片上,将果冻涂在另一片上?

按照惯例,推特有很多话要说 – 原帖有近9,000转推,245,000喜欢和650评论。这是很多PB&J粉丝.




对于那些喜欢花生酱上面的果冻的人来说,一个高音扬声器建议加载两侧以获得额外的ooey gooey treat.


有啥 将经典花生酱和果冻放在一起的最佳方法是什么?我们不确定我们是否会知道真相.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    Twitter has become a platform for people to express their opinions on serious and silly issues. Many times, these not-so-serious opinions are related to food. Debates that have erupted on Twitter in the past include how to properly take eggs out of a carton, whether or not to put egg yolk in coffee (which is a difficult outcome), and even the correct way to slice toast. This time, the iconic sandwich of peanut butter and jelly has caused a messy debate. Although there are many recipes to celebrate the classic PB&J, this debate is all about the basics: do you spread the peanut butter first and then put the jelly on top before closing the sandwich? Or do you spread the peanut butter on one slice and the jelly on the other before putting them together? As usual, Twitter has a lot to say – the original post has nearly 9,000 retweets, 245,000 likes, and 650 comments. Some people provided photo guides to support spreading the condiments separately. Others called some methods “barbaric.” Some people said that the trick to a non-soggy sandwich is to put peanut butter on both sides and jelly in the middle. For those who like jelly on top of peanut butter, one loudspeaker suggested loading both sides for an extra ooey gooey treat. Then, someone brought up the “real debate”: grape jelly or strawberry jam? Were not sure if well ever know the best way to put classic peanut butter and jelly together.

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