


幸运的是每个人(甚至那些对乳糖敏感的人,因为今天世界上充满了美味的素食甜点替代品)周日是全国冰淇淋日。听起来我们已经找到了我们最喜欢的庆祝方式 圣代 有趣的一天!

Kathie Lee Gifford和Hoda Kotb庆祝国家冰淇淋月


为了确保你能吃到冰淇淋 – 和 没有人 判断您是否决定在一天内利用其中一项以上的交易 – 这些是全国各地冰淇淋连锁店(以及Whole Foods!)的最佳折扣.


对于这个冰淇淋超级链,国家冰淇淋日是一个大问题。当然,他们正在做一些值得庆祝的事情。首先是推出他们的新款限量版Freak Shakes,它采用Unicorn,Oreo’n Cookies和Donut口味.


周日在智能手机上下载Baskin-Robbins应用程序的客户可以购买一对一(BOGO)冰淇淋甜筒,BOGO 99美分圣代和2美元中型奶昔。为了让东西更加甜蜜,他们还会在7月31日将普通和儿童尺寸的勺子打折至1.50美元.


为了这个美味的假期,Cold Stone正在捣乱买一送一的冰淇淋。当客户注册公司的奖励应用程序时,您可以通过购买另一个来获得一个免费的自定义创建。拥有账户的现有客户也可以参加本周日的交易.



Marble Slab Creamery和MaggieMoo的冰淇淋

冰淇淋总是和朋友一起玩(或者一边狂欢一边看“这就是我们”)。那么为什么不抓住国家冰淇淋日的最优惠价格呢?! Marble Slab Creamery和MaggieMoo’s Ice Cream将于周日至周四购买普通杯或锥形杯时赠送一个免费的儿童冰淇淋杯或锥形杯.

5,成分 Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cake


Grace Parisi




Ben&Jerry通过在自己的免费圆锥形日而不是全国冰淇淋日赠送免费赠品来搅拌自己的鼓点,但Whole Foods将帮助一些便宜货。这家有机食品杂货商将在周一进行为期一天的促销活动,其中只需6美元即可获得两品脱的Ben&Jerry’s – 只有一品脱可以让您在一些零售商处获得5美元或更高的回赠!

这也属于亚马逊Prime会员商店的Prime Day折扣,所以一定要额外享受10%的优惠。 Select Whole Foods还将举办“Sundae Fundae”冰淇淋取样活动,所以请提前致电当地商店,看看他们是否正在捞出甜食.

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    “What is the absolute best way to satisfy your summer dessert and cooling needs? Eating ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream. Luckily, Sunday is National Ice Cream Day for everyone (even those who are lactose intolerant, as the world is now full of delicious vegan dessert alternatives). It sounds like weve found our favorite way to celebrate this fun day! Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb celebrate National Ice Cream Month Jul.11.201805:12 To ensure that you can get your ice cream fix – and no one judges you for deciding to take advantage of one or more of these deals in a day – here are the best discounts from ice cream chains across the country (and Whole Foods!). For this delicious holiday, Cold Stone is offering a buy-one-get-one-free ice cream deal. When customers sign up for the companys rewards app, you can get a free custom creation by purchasing another one. Existing customers with accounts can also participate in this Sundays deal. If youre a soft serve fan, you can go to Carvel for a BOGO thick shake or a cup of smooth cream. Ice cream is always better with friends (or partying while watching “This Is Us”). So why not take advantage of the best prices on National Ice Cream Day?! Marble Slab Creamery and MaggieMoos Ice Cream will give away a free childrens ice cream cup or cone when you buy a regular cup or cone from Sunday to Thursday. To celebrate National Ice Cream Day, this low-calorie ice cream brand is offering free samples of their new peanut butter and jelly flavored ice cream to the first 1,000 people who enter the code TOPPB&J on their website. So far, the new flavor (which will arrive in stores in August) has received rave reviews. Whole Foods is stirring up its own beat by giving away free gifts on its own Free Cone Day instead of National Ice Cream Day, but Whole Foods will help some bargain hunters. This organic grocery store will hold a one-day promotion on Monday where you can get two pints of Ben & Jerrys for just $6 – only one pint can get you a $5 or higher rebate at some retailers! This is also part of Amazon Prime Day discounts at Whole Foods, so be sure to enjoy an extra 10

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