与Mrs. Fields的巨型饼干和其他免费发现一起庆祝国家饼干日

与Mrs. Fields的巨型饼干和其他免费发现一起庆祝国家饼干日

在TODAY Food,我们有点迷恋巧克力饼干 – 以及一般的大型甜点.


Mega Cookie被誉为该连锁店“40年来最受期待的创新”:它是一款超大巧克力饼干,几乎是其最受欢迎和最畅销产品的三倍.

太太。 Fields' Mega Cookie
菲尔兹夫人的新Mega Cookie非常少.Konnect Agency

以下是规格:重量为5盎司,高4英寸,高1.25英寸。每个Mega Cookie售价3.99美元,而原始大小(2.1盎司)售价1.79美元至1.99美元/ cookie.

如果你去Mrs. Fields商店,你可以在室温下订购或预热。完全披露:我们有偷偷摸摸的味道的饼干是在室温下运送的,所以我们没有完全尝试它们,因为它们在商场供应 – 但我们确实在室温下试用它们热身以获得同样的效果.

就个人而言,我是超大巧克力饼干的粉丝 – 特别是来自纽约市Levain Bakery的那些,在Bobby Flay的“Throwdown with Bobby Flay”巧克力曲奇饼插曲中击败了Bobby Flay.

太太。 Fields Mega Cookie
菲尔兹夫人的新Mega Cookie是原来的三倍(左图).菲尔兹太太

判决?首先,除非你是一个Chips Ahoy的粉丝并且喜欢更坚固的饼干,否则一定要把这个更温暖。像这样厚厚的饼干应该只是粘糊糊的。很酷,它太脆,特别是在这个厚度.


太太。 Fields' Mega Cookie
在我们看来,订购Mega Cookie的唯一方法是温暖和融洽.菲尔兹太太

现在,还有一个购买三,为Mega获得一个免费促销活动,但是,真的,你可以轻松地将其中一个分成两个或三个(甚至四个!)人。它们将于12月31日上市,如果它们取得成功,该公司告诉TODAY Food,他们可能永久地转移到菜单上.


如果你对传统的巧克力饼干看起来更加离谱,Cinnabon的第一个饼干 – 肉桂卷混搭(它是一个小巧的卷,里面塞满了一个叫做Cookie BonBite的耐嚼巧克力饼干)今天在商店里出来了。.

在Whole Foods,顾客可以在商店的酒吧享受全部50%的折扣.

现在有超过120个地点的Insomnia Cookies正在通过向店内购买的顾客赠送免费饼干来庆祝这个甜蜜的假期。.


巧克力 Chip Cookies



Snickerdoodle Cookies



浆果 Nut Cookies


Hilaria Baldwin

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for food. However, I can understand that the article is discussing the new Mega Cookie from Mrs. Fields, which combines the love for chocolate cookies and large desserts. The Mega Cookie is three times the size of their original cookie and is being hailed as the most anticipated innovation in the chains 40-year history. The article suggests that the best way to enjoy the Mega Cookie is to warm it up, as it can be too hard and crumbly when eaten at room temperature. The article also mentions other cookie-related news, such as Cinnabons new Cookie BonBite and Insomnia Cookies holiday promotion. Overall, the article is a fun read for cookie lovers.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for food. However, I can understand that the article is discussing the new Mega Cookie from Mrs. Fields, which combines the love for chocolate cookies and large desserts. The Mega Cookie is three times the size of their original cookie and is being hailed as the most anticipated innovation in the chains 40-year history. The article suggests that the best way to enjoy the Mega Cookie is to warm it up, as it can be too hard and crumbly when eaten at room temperature. The article also mentions other cookie-related news, such as Cinnabons new Cookie BonBite and Insomnia Cookies holiday promotion. Overall, the article is a fun read for cookie lovers.

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