再见安格斯牛排三明治! Dunkin’Donuts轴10个菜单项

再见安格斯牛排三明治! Dunkin’Donuts轴10个菜单项

新的Dunkin’Donuts菜单中有一个很大的漏洞. 得到它?


图片: Changes at Dunkin Donuts
epa06425430于2023年1月8日在美国马萨诸塞州波士顿市中心重新命名为Dunkin。这家位于马萨诸塞州坎顿的公司最近宣布将Dunkin Donuts改为简化的Dunkin,并于今天推出一款简单易用的新菜单。 EPA / CJ GUNTHERCJ GUNTHER / EPA


10月,Dunkin’Donuts的代表告诉TODAY Food,该连锁店“正在测试一个简化的菜单,强调我们在有限数量的市场中的标志性饮料和食品……”

该 big n' toasted breakfast sandwich is among the items leaving the Dunkin' Donuts menu.



  • 土耳其切达干酪培根三明治
  • 火腿和切达干酪三明治
  • 金枪鱼沙拉三明治
  • 鸡肉沙拉三明治
  • Big N’烤三明治
  • 安格斯牛排和鸡蛋早餐三明治
  • 草莓香蕉和热带芒果冰沙
  • Peach,Caramel和Mocha不加糖的咖啡味道
  • 一些可选的松饼,百吉饼和奶油芝士选择
  • 大饼
该 chicken salad sandwich is also on the way out.



About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the recent decision by Dunkin Donuts to simplify their menu by removing 10 food and beverage items from their stores in New England and northern New York. This change will take effect nationwide in March. The decision was made to streamline their products and focus on iconic drinks and foods in limited markets. The move is part of Dunkin Donuts effort to compete with fast-food giants like McDonalds by diversifying their menu. However, some customers are not happy with the change and have expressed their disappointment on social media.

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