Chrissy Teigen对她的新食谱非常非常兴奋 – 她的粉丝也是如此

Chrissy Teigen对她的新食谱非常非常兴奋 – 她的粉丝也是如此

超级名模Chrissy Teigen从不回避谈论她对各种食物的痴迷。无论是确保安全的飞机通过美味的砂锅还是搅打一堆关键的酸橙馅饼,新的两个孩子的母亲已经证明她将竭尽全力寻找美味的菜肴.


周一,她带着Instagram去了解她最新食谱的封面“渴望:渴望更多”,并宣布它现在可以在线预订。 “祝福天啊,这就是!!!!”,她说。这本书要到9月18日才能出版 – 但是由于Teigen饥肠辘辘的粉丝群,第二部“Cravings”已经成为亚马逊畅销书中的第一畅销书.

Teigen的第一本食谱“渴望:所有你想吃的食物的食谱”于2016年问世,并有来自近1500名亚马逊客户的热烈评论 – 当然,我们期待Teigen的第二个食谱系列。根据Teigen的说法,她将分享特殊的食物混搭菜肴,如所有百吉饼早餐烘烤,法国洋葱汤配羊角面包面包丁,费城式法式蘸酱,泰式火锅垫等等.

到底是什么 一切百吉饼烤?!显然,这是一个真正的百吉饼爱好者的梦想,包括香肠,格鲁耶尔奶酪,当然还有一吨奶油芝士.

Teigen还将包括她目前的Blue Apron餐具套餐合作中的一种食谱:烤猪肉banh mi三明治.





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    Supermodel Chrissy Teigen never shies away from discussing her obsession with various foods. Whether its ensuring a safe flight through delicious hot pot or whipping up a bunch of key lime pies, the mother of two has proven she will go to great lengths to find delicious dishes. Soon, her second cookbook will be released. In true Teigen style, she shared the exciting news on social media. On Monday, she took to Instagram to reveal the cover of her latest cookbook “Cravings: Hungry for More” and announced that it is now available for pre-order online. “Blessed day, its here!!!!” she said. The book wont be released until September 18th – but due to Teigens hungry fan base, the second “Cravings” has already become the number one bestseller on Amazon. Teigens first cookbook “Cravings: Recipes for All the Food You Want to Eat” was released in 2016 and received rave reviews from nearly 1,500 Amazon customers – of course, we are looking forward to Teigens second cookbook series. According to Teigen, she will share special food mashup dishes such as an Everything Bagel Cream Cheese Breakfast Bake, French Onion Soup with Croissant Croutons, Philly French Dip, Roasted Butternut & Pomegranate Salad, and more. What exactly is an Everything Bagel Bake?! Apparently, its a true dream for any bagel lover, including sausage, gruyere cheese, and of course, a ton of cream cheese. Teigen will also include a recipe from her current Blue Apron meal kit collaboration: Grilled Pork Banh Mi Sandwiches. Delicious! Todays editors, writers, and experts carefully recommend products we really like and hope youll enjoy! You know, there is indeed an affiliate relationship today. So while each product is independently selected, if you buy a product through our links, we may get a small share of the revenue. “Cravings: Hungry for More,” $24, Amazon.

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