Chick-fil-A正在测试一个新项目 – 它看起来非常类似于旧的最爱

Chick-fil-A正在测试一个新项目 – 它看起来非常类似于旧的最爱


但是Chick-fil-A在新食物方面选择了一种有趣的理念:坚持面包和黄油。 (几乎完全相反。)

福来鸡 Chick-n-Sliders

今年夏天,炸鸡连锁店正在选择美国各地的新菜单选项 – 这个选项是被称为Chick-n-Sliders的选项。一份新闻稿将它们描述为“我们着名的无骨鸡胸肉的零食大小部分,经过完美调味,坐落在温暖,令人垂涎的酵母卷中,轻轻涂上蜂蜜黄油。”



福来鸡 Chick-n-Minis

如果这个“迷你三明治”的描述听起来很熟悉,你可能会想到Chick-fil-A的一口大小的Chick-n-Minis,它们在早餐时间出售。 (虽然参与活动的餐厅将允许顾客在今年夏天全天订购迷你裙。)滑雪板位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特和新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基市, 大。因此,当你还没有准备好吃饭但需要比小点心更多的时候,它就是那个时候.

福来鸡 White Peach Tea Lemonade






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    The fast food industry can become a fiercely competitive stage, with one chain constantly trying to innovate another with crazy menu items and excessive mixtures. But Chick-fil-A has chosen an interesting concept for new food: sticking to bread and butter. (Almost completely opposite.) Chick-fil-A sticks to the basics of Chick-n-Slider, a small version of its iconic chicken sandwich. This summer, the fried chicken chain is choosing new menu options across the United States – this option is called Chick-n-Sliders. A press release describes them as “our famous boneless chicken breast snack-sized portions, perfectly seasoned, nestled in warm, mouth-watering yeast rolls, lightly coated with honey butter.” So… its a mini version of Chick-fil-As signature chicken sandwich. Hey, maybe reinventing the wheel isnt such a bad thing! It works for McDonalds, doesnt it? Chick-n-Minis will be available to customers all day at specific locations this summer. If this “mini sandwich” description sounds familiar, you may think of Chick-fil-As bite-sized Chick-n-Minis, which are sold during breakfast hours. (Although participating restaurants will allow customers to order mini skirts all day this summer.) Ski boards are located in Charlotte, North Carolina and Albuquerque, New Mexico, slightly larger. So when youre not ready to eat but need more than a snack, thats the time. Chick-fil-As white peach tea lemonade is also part of the chains summer menu. As for other new foods welcoming Chick-fil-As summer menu, expect to see two refreshing agents: white peach tea lemonade, made with iced tea, lemonade, and fruit peach seasoning; and peach milkshake, a summer staple, returning this season. Both drinks will be available nationwide. Cheers to a warmer new season! You know what they say: with old and used… old different versions. Hey, whatever works. Visiting Chick-fil-A has become a warm military reunion.

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