

我们都喜欢Cheetos并且讨厌Cheetos手指。但它们是不可避免的,因为用叉子和刀子吃Cheetos显然是不可接受的 – 直到现在.

因为现在,Cheetos有史以来第一次开设其首家官方餐厅。它被称为The Spotted Cheetah。它在纽约市.



但不幸的是 – 或者幸运的是,根据你的观点 – 它不会成为这个城市美食场所的永久固定装置。弹出式餐厅仅在8月15日至17日期间开放.

厨师 Anne Burrell
厨师Anne BurrellPicasa中

所以,你只有三天的时间才能得到你最安全的“Dangerously Cheesy”食物。由Food Network明星和餐馆老板Anne Burrell“策划”的菜单包含一些令人愉快的古怪物品,如:

  • Cheetos Crusted Fried Pickles + Creamy Ranch
  • Cheetos烤奶酪+番茄汤
  • Cheetos肉丸
  • 纯正油炸的绿色西红柿(白色切达干酪外壳面包屑)
  • Flamin’Hot and White Cheddar Mac n’Cheetos
  • Cheetos Mix-ups Crusted Chicken Milanese
  • 辣Cheetos玉米片
  • Flamin’热利蒙鸡炸玉米饼
Flamin' Hot and White Cheddar Mac n' Cheetos
Flamin’Hot and White Cheddar Mac n’Cheetos奇多


  • Cheetos Sweetos Crusted芝士蛋糕
  • Cheetos Sweetos甜和咸饼干
  • 白色切达干酪Cheetos和Cheetos Sweetos Apple Crepes
白色 Cheddar Cheetos and Cheetos Sweetos Apple Crepes
白色切达干酪Cheetos和Cheetos Sweetos Apple Crepes奇多

我们很欣赏这里的创造力,Cheetos,但是你用甜蜜的东西推动它。而不是甜点,我们将采取第二轮Mac n’Cheetos – 一个俗气的奶酪课程,如果你愿意的话.

看起来像The Spotted Cheetah的座位可能很难找到。你不能在没有预订的情况下用餐 – 而且它们已经售罄。但是,如果你真的决定要获得“现场”(得到它?!),你可以加入等候名单.


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for Cheetos or any food. However, I can say that the opening of the first official Cheetos restaurant, The Spotted Cheetah, in New York City is an exciting event for cheese lovers and fans of the brand. The limited-time pop-up restaurant offers a creative menu featuring Cheetos-infused dishes, from appetizers to desserts. Although seats are already sold out, fans can still join the waiting list or download the free digital recipe book to try the recipes at home. Its interesting to see how a popular snack brand can inspire such culinary innovation and excitement.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal preference for Cheetos or any food. However, I can say that the opening of the first official Cheetos restaurant, The Spotted Cheetah, in New York City is an exciting event for cheese lovers and fans of the brand. The limited-time pop-up restaurant offers a creative menu featuring Cheetos-infused dishes, from appetizers to desserts. Although seats are already sold out, fans can still join the waiting list or download the free digital recipe book to try the recipes at home. Its interesting to see how a popular snack brand can inspire such culinary innovation and excitement.

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