伙计们做饭! Bobby Flay分享了“男子气概”的厨房小工具

伙计们做饭! Bobby Flay分享了“男子气概”的厨房小工具


名厨Bobby Flay说他看到这些年来情况急剧变化,现在差距正在缩小.



  • 烹饪经典小酒馆风格厨师的围裙(22.95美元):因为每个人都需要看看这个部分.
  • Edgeware Sharpening Steel(29.99美元):因为所有男人都需要保持刀锋利.
  • Thiers-Issard 10英寸厨师刀(150美元):这是一款花式碳素不锈钢刀片 – 非常适合切割厚厚的牛排.
  • Boos Block核桃砧板(319美元):采用优质北美硬木制成,这个砧板深受全国各地专业厨师的欢迎.
  • Le Creuset温度计(40美元):这款时尚的小温度计是厨房男士必备的温度计。在烹饪肉类方面,它会确保你做得恰到好处.
  • Vitamix搅拌机(529美元):从玛格丽塔酒到蛋白质奶昔,一个好的搅拌机是必不可少的,这是最终的高性能搅拌机.
  • Weber的Rapidfire Chimney Starter(17.99美元):Bobby将烟囱启动器称为有史以来发明的最大的烧烤设备。这是点燃木炭煤球最简单,最安全的方法.  

更多来自TODAY Food:

  • 热门男人做饭!读者分享照片
  • 随着越来越多的男性开始做饭,家庭厨房升温
  • 幻灯片:工作中的男人:炙手可热的名人厨师

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Real men cook! In fact, on average, men cook 34 meals a month and eat about 8 meals a week. They still lag behind young married women who cook 51 meals a month. Celebrity chef Bobby Flay says he has seen a dramatic change in the situation over the years, and the gap is now narrowing. He said, “Ten to fifteen years ago, people really enjoyed cooking.” Now, he says about half of his audience is male. He said men tell him, “I used to just watch ESPN, but now I watch you on the Food Network. Dont tell my wife.” Bobby shared his favorite kitchen tools for men, including the Cooking Classic Tavern Style Chefs Apron ($22.95), Edgeware Sharpening Steel ($29.99), Thiers-Issard 10-inch Chefs Knife ($150), Boos Block Walnut Cutting Board ($319), Le Creuset Thermometer ($40), Vitamix Blender ($529), and Webers Rapidfire Chimney Starter ($17.99). As more and more men start cooking, the home kitchen is heating up.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Real men cook! In fact, on average, men cook 34 meals a month and eat about 8 meals a week. They still lag behind young married women who cook 51 meals a month. Celebrity chef Bobby Flay says he has seen a dramatic change in the situation over the years, and the gap is now narrowing. He said, “Ten to fifteen years ago, people really enjoyed cooking.” Now, he says about half of his audience is male. He said men tell him, “I used to just watch ESPN, but now I watch you on the Food Network. Dont tell my wife.” Bobby shared his favorite kitchen tools for men, including the Cooking Classic Tavern Style Chefs Apron ($22.95), Edgeware Sharpening Steel ($29.99), Thiers-Issard 10-inch Chefs Knife ($150), Boos Block Walnut Cutting Board ($319), Le Creuset Thermometer ($40), Vitamix Blender ($529), and Webers Rapidfire Chimney Starter ($17.99). As more and more men start cooking, the home kitchen is heating up.

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