

每年的这个时候,很容易被诱惑买一罐苹果酒 – 只要看到它就会想起篝火,兜风和落叶的图像。所以你把它放在你的篮子里,把它拉到家里,然后放在冰箱里。也许你有一两杯,甚至有足够的野心去研究它,但是一个季节里只有这么多苹果酒可以喝。那么与所有过剩有关的是什么呢?幸运的是,有很多选择 – 每一个都会让你看起来像一个季节性的烹饪巨星。以下是剩余的六件事:


苹果 cider pancakes

苹果酒甜甜圈是在秋季展览会上给出的。但是苹果酒薄煎饼看起来更健康 – 尤其是全麦小吃,就像美食博主Caroline Ketchum所做的那样。她在她的全麦苹果汁煎饼面糊上加了一杯苹果酒,然后将切碎的苹果洒在烙饼上,因为他们在烤盘上做饭,在苹果味道上翻倍.


慢炖锅 pulled pork with apple cider

Cile Gimme Some Oven博客的阿里·埃布赖特指出,苹果酒一年四季同一时间就会推出慢炖锅。因此,她建议将两者放在一起做晚餐:一个慢炖苹果酒拉猪肉,其中猪肩炖红糖和苹果酒混合物。毕竟,她说,猪肉和苹果的组合是“毫无疑问的”。


苹果酒,红烧 turnips

当苹果酒开始发酵 – 你可以告诉它什么时候开始品尝“泡沫”-Gabe Wright,生活从头开始的博主,用两三杯炖根菜,就像这些萝卜一样。用荷兰烤箱里的苹果酒覆盖蔬菜,撒上一些迷迭香或盐和胡椒,煮15到20分钟.


苹果酒 salad

许多沙拉酱食谱都要求苹果醋,但食物和生活方式作家朱莉布兰纳在她的苹果酒沙拉中添加了等量的普通苹果酒,以平衡浓郁的醋和甜味。蓝芝士,核桃,苹果和黄油生菜让它充满 – 毕竟,正如她指出的那样,秋季饭菜不必太重.


苹果 cider cocktail



苹果酒 caramels

海盐焦糖总会在我们的心中占有一席之地,但苹果酒焦糖只会尖叫下降。为了将浓缩的苹果味融入焦糖,我们最好的叮咬博客中的Kate Jones和Sara Wells将2杯苹果酒煮沸,将其减少到三分之一杯。如果你害怕制作糖果,Jones和Wells解释说,焦糖是一个很好的起点,因为他们很宽容.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    At this time of year, its easy to be tempted to buy a can of apple cider – just seeing it brings to mind images of bonfires, road trips, and falling leaves. So you put it in your basket, bring it home, and stick it in the fridge. Maybe you have a drink or two, or even enough ambition to experiment with it, but theres only so much apple cider you can drink in one season. So what to do with all the leftovers? Luckily, there are plenty of options – each one will make you look like a seasonal cooking superstar. Here are six things to do with the remaining cider:

    1. Thin pancakes: Today, apple cider donuts were given at the fall exhibition. But apple cider thin pancakes look healthier – especially whole wheat snacks, like those made by food blogger Caroline Ketchum. She added a cup of apple cider to her whole wheat pancake batter and sprinkled chopped apples on top of the pancakes, as they cook on the griddle, doubling down on the apple flavor.

    2. Slow cooker pulled pork: Today, Ali Ebright of the Gimme Some Oven blog points out that apple cider is a year-round slow cooker staple. So she suggests putting the two together for dinner: a slow-cooked apple cider pulled pork, where the pork shoulder is stewed with a mixture of brown sugar and apple cider. After all, she says, the combination of pork and apples is “undeniable.”

    3. Braised vegetables: Today, when apple cider starts to ferment – you can tell when it starts to taste “fizzy” – Gabe Wright, a blogger at Life From Scratch, braises root vegetables with two or three cups of it, like these turnips. Cover the vegetables with apple cider in a Dutch oven, sprinkle with some rosemary or salt and pepper, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

    4. Salad: Today, many salad dressing recipes call for apple cider vinegar, but food and lifestyle writer Julie Blanner adds an equal amount of regular apple cider to her apple cider salad to balance out the rich vinegar and sweetness. Blue cheese, walnuts, apples, and butter lettuce make it full – after all, as she points out, fall meals dont have to be too heavy.

    5. Cocktail: Today, who says apple

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    At this time of year, its easy to be tempted to buy a can of apple cider – just seeing it brings to mind images of bonfires, road trips, and falling leaves. So you put it in your basket, bring it home, and stick it in the fridge. Maybe you have a drink or two, or even enough ambition to experiment with it, but theres only so much apple cider you can drink in one season. So what to do with all the leftovers? Luckily, there are plenty of options – each one will make you look like a seasonal cooking superstar. Here are six things to do with the remaining cider:

    1. Thin pancakes: Today, apple cider donuts were given at the fall exhibition. But apple cider thin pancakes look healthier – especially whole wheat snacks, like those made by food blogger Caroline Ketchum. She added a cup of apple cider to her whole wheat pancake batter and sprinkled chopped apples on top of the pancakes, as they cook on the griddle, doubling down on the apple flavor.

    2. Slow cooker pulled pork: Today, Ali Ebright of the Gimme Some Oven blog points out that apple cider is a year-round slow cooker staple. So she suggests putting the two together for dinner: a slow-cooked apple cider pulled pork, where the pork shoulder is stewed with a mixture of brown sugar and apple cider. After all, she says, the combination of pork and apples is “undeniable.”

    3. Braised vegetables: Today, when apple cider starts to ferment – you can tell when it starts to taste “fizzy” – Gabe Wright, a blogger at Life From Scratch, braises root vegetables with two or three cups of it, like these turnips. Cover the vegetables with apple cider in a Dutch oven, sprinkle with some rosemary or salt and pepper, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes.

    4. Salad: Today, many salad dressing recipes call for apple cider vinegar, but food and lifestyle writer Julie Blanner adds an equal amount of regular apple cider to her apple cider salad to balance out the rich vinegar and sweetness. Blue cheese, walnuts, apples, and butter lettuce make it full – after all, as she points out, fall meals dont have to be too heavy.

    5. Cocktail: Today, who says apple

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