炒锅! 5个快速,简单,健康的炒菜食谱,你必须尝试…

炒锅! 5个快速,简单,健康的炒菜食谱,你必须尝试…

啊,炒 – 这是一个很好的方式,可以把很多蔬菜和瘦蛋白塞进一个星期的晚餐。但它也很容易进入炒熟的车辙,一遍又一遍地制造同样的东西 – 或者采用油腻的外卖版本。如果你想在家里做更健康的饭菜,我们对每种蛋白质爱好者都有五个新的建议。现在好了?别担心。只需使用大锅或炒锅.

鸡 Stir Fry


牛肉 with basil

2.牛肉配罗勒:用博客Niki Fox的这种芳香的罗勒和牛肉炒菜,给剩饭带来新的生活。充满胡萝卜,青豆,甜椒和洋葱,并在糙米上提供,这道菜也是一个健康的选择 – 特别是如果你选择瘦牛肉,如福克斯建议的侧翼牛排。没有剩下的牛排?简单地将未经烹煮的牛肉切成薄片(或者以这种方式购买牛肉)并在洋葱,辣椒和胡萝卜之后将其炒熟.

搅拌 Fried Pork with Broccoli
Suheiry Feliciano / Suheir

3.猪肉配西兰花:拿起猪里脊肉和西兰花,很有可能,你可能已经有其他的成分从宾夕法尼亚州的生活方式博客Suheiry Feliciano那里得到这种简单的炒菜。它非常健康 – 猪里脊肉和无皮鸡胸肉一样瘦 – 她随心所欲地想出了独特的孜然和牛至。 “孜然给这道菜带来了浓郁的温暖和泥土味道,尤其是猪肉,”她告诉TODAY.com“我加入了牛至来平衡孜然。牛至加入了一种我只能说是温暖而又尖锐的味道。额外的zing。“

虾 stir fry
Sonali Ruder / The Foodie医师

4.带有毛豆的虾:如果你厌倦了米饭,可以在你的炒菜中尝试荞麦面,Sonali Ruder建议,他既是急诊室医生又是烹饪学校毕业生。荞麦面由荞麦制成,被认为是全谷物,它们富含纤维和无麸质,她向TODAY.com解释道。 Ruder将它们用于华丽的海鲜虾和毛豆炒菜中,这种方法足够简单,可以持续一周,也可以给客人留下足够的印象。在她的博客上,美食医师,医生厨师还提供了如何避免伤心,跛行蔬菜的无懈可击的技术(如从热水泡菜开始).

素食 Stir-Fry

5.蔬菜炒菜:为了让你的蔬菜摄入量更加健康,可以看看Curry and Comfort博主Ramona Wheeler的这道菜 – 这种炒菜含有各种各样的质地和口味,来自Napa卷心菜等食材。 ,婴儿玉米,water荠,胡萝卜,西葫芦和牡蛎蘑菇(牡蛎蘑菇可在许多超市罐头)。多肉的蘑菇令人满意,但如果你想要蛋白质增强,她包括添加豆腐,牛肉,鸡肉或猪肉的说明.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the characters used in the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the benefits of stir-fry dishes and provides five healthy recipes for different protein preferences. The recipes include chicken and vegetable stir-fry, beef with basil, pork with broccoli, shrimp with edamame, and vegetable stir-fry. The article emphasizes the importance of using a large or wok pan to avoid making the same dish repeatedly and opting for healthier homemade meals instead of greasy takeout versions.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the characters used in the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the benefits of stir-fry dishes and provides five healthy recipes for different protein preferences. The recipes include chicken and vegetable stir-fry, beef with basil, pork with broccoli, shrimp with edamame, and vegetable stir-fry. The article emphasizes the importance of using a large or wok pan to avoid making the same dish repeatedly and opting for healthier homemade meals instead of greasy takeout versions.

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