


闪亮 wine cocktails

为了您的下一个中午(或晚上!)庆祝活动,为什么不挑选香槟鸡尾酒中的五种新鲜食物中的一种,其特色可能已经在您的食品室或冰箱中?并且没有必要淘汰昂贵的东西来制作这些饮料,或者 – 只需拿起你最喜欢的一瓶起泡酒.


粉红柠檬水: 将1汤匙柠檬水和1滴石榴汁或石榴汁倒入每个长笛中,然后倒入5盎司起泡酒.

酸和甜: 将1汤匙葡萄柚汁和1茶匙蜂蜜一起搅拌在长笛底部,直到蜂蜜松散并溶解。倒入5盎司的起泡酒,搅拌均匀,因为葡萄酒会继续发出嘶嘶声.

快速贝利尼: 将1汤匙桃子或杏酱轻轻搅拌成装满5盎司起泡酒的长笛,注意葡萄酒会继续发出嘶嘶声.

Minty Berry: 用木勺或抹刀结束,轻轻地将1-2个切碎的草莓和2个大的,大致撕裂的薄荷叶在笛子的底部粉碎,以释放浆果的果汁和薄荷的精油。倒入5盎司起泡酒.

玫瑰色覆盆子: 在木勺或抹刀的末端,轻轻地将2-3个覆盆子和一小撮迷迭香叶子在笛子的底部粉碎,以释放浆果的果汁和迷迭香的香味。倒入5盎司起泡酒.







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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preferred language to write comments in. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Champagne and orange juice are like peanut butter and chocolate. Mimosa is the golden standard celebrated during showers and brunches, and the perfect way to enjoy a sunny Saturday festival. This simple fireworks cocktail is suitable for all ages, but now is the time to mix them up. For your next afternoon (or evening!) celebration, why not pick one of the five fresh foods in the champagne cocktail, whose features may already be in your pantry or fridge? And theres no need to eliminate expensive things to make these drinks, or – just pick up your favorite bottle of sparkling wine. (For convenience in party planning, remember that a 750ml bottle contains enough wine for 5 5-ounce pours.) Pink lemonade: Pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 drop of pomegranate juice or pomegranate juice into each flute, then pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine. Sour and sweet: Stir 1 tablespoon of grapefruit juice and 1 teaspoon of honey together at the bottom of the flute until the honey is loose and dissolved. Pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine and stir well as the wine will continue to fizz. Quick Bellini: Gently stir 1 tablespoon of peach or apricot jam into a flute filled with 5 ounces of sparkling wine, being careful as the wine will continue to fizz. Minty Berry: Using a wooden spoon or spatula, gently crush 1-2 chopped strawberries and 2 large, roughly torn mint leaves at the bottom of the flute to release the juice of the berries and the essential oils of the mint. Pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine. Raspberry Rose: At the end of a wooden spoon or spatula, gently crush 2-3 raspberries and a small handful of rosemary leaves at the bottom of the flute to release the juice of the berries and the fragrance of the rosemary. Pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine. How to open and pour a bottle of champagne without making a mess Dec.29.201501:14 More party drinks Cocktails and more drinks to pair with your barbecue Classic Margarita 50% off How to make simple syrups for cocktails, tea, and more

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a preferred language to write comments in. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Champagne and orange juice are like peanut butter and chocolate. Mimosa is the golden standard celebrated during showers and brunches, and the perfect way to enjoy a sunny Saturday festival. This simple fireworks cocktail is suitable for all ages, but now is the time to mix them up. For your next afternoon (or evening!) celebration, why not pick one of the five fresh foods in the champagne cocktail, whose features may already be in your pantry or fridge? And theres no need to eliminate expensive things to make these drinks, or – just pick up your favorite bottle of sparkling wine. (For convenience in party planning, remember that a 750ml bottle contains enough wine for 5 5-ounce pours.) Pink lemonade: Pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 drop of pomegranate juice or pomegranate juice into each flute, then pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine. Sour and sweet: Stir 1 tablespoon of grapefruit juice and 1 teaspoon of honey together at the bottom of the flute until the honey is loose and dissolved. Pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine and stir well as the wine will continue to fizz. Quick Bellini: Gently stir 1 tablespoon of peach or apricot jam into a flute filled with 5 ounces of sparkling wine, being careful as the wine will continue to fizz. Minty Berry: Using a wooden spoon or spatula, gently crush 1-2 chopped strawberries and 2 large, roughly torn mint leaves at the bottom of the flute to release the juice of the berries and the essential oil of the mint. Pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine. Raspberry Rose: At the end of a wooden spoon or spatula, gently crush 2-3 raspberries and a small handful of rosemary leaves at the bottom of the flute to release the juice of the berries and the fragrance of the rosemary. Pour in 5 ounces of sparkling wine. How to open and pour a bottle of champagne without making a mess Dec.29.201501:14 More party drinks Cocktails and more drinks to pair with your barbecue Classic Margarita 50% off How to make simple syrups for cocktails, tea, and more

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