

包装野餐?在海滩放松?或者只是为工作或学校准备三明治?这是一个美味的事实,许多夏季活动和生活一般需要提前计划你要吃什么,三明治似乎总是在菜单上 – 它们很简单,它们是便携的,它们’非常适合挑食和冒险的食客。但有几种方法可以确保您的三明治比普通的熟食火鸡版更好吃.

三明治 with pesto, chicken and mozzarella cheese

想想传统的banh mi,法国pan bagnat或者新奥尔良的所有三明治 – 所有三明治都使用辛辣的味道和各种成分来制作比它的各个部分更多的东西。从这些经典三明治中汲取灵感,为您准备一顿美味佳肴.













现代 Muffaletta Sandwich



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in Chinese to English:

    Pack a picnic? Relax on the beach? Or just prepare sandwiches for work or school? Its a delicious fact that many summer activities and life in general require planning ahead of what youre going to eat, and sandwiches always seem to be on the menu – theyre simple, portable, and perfect for picky and adventurous eaters. But there are a few ways to ensure your sandwich is tastier than the average deli turkey version. Think of traditional banh mi, French pan bagnat, or all the sandwiches in New Orleans – all sandwiches use spicy flavors and a variety of ingredients to make more than the sum of its parts. Draw inspiration from these classic sandwiches to prepare a delicious feast.

    Bread: The key to putting a sandwich together is using bread with a hard crust on the outside but soft on the inside, such as a baguette or a hard Portuguese roll. When youre ready to eat the sandwich, soft hamburger buns and croissants will fall apart, but sturdier bread will hold up.

    Spread: While mayonnaise is suitable for everyday sandwiches, pre-made sandwiches need more charm. Intensely flavored olive tapenade, garlic aioli, garlic egg yolk sauce, or balsamic vinegar soaked into the bread keep the sandwich moist and delicious. Generously spread on both sides of the bread.

    The key to the problem: Meat (and cheese) is important whether youre rushing to make spaghetti or making your own invented sandwich. When the sandwich is in the refrigerator, these layers will be compressed, so dont be stingy on the slices. Spread meat and cheese, pick two or three different types, such as cooked sausage, sopressata, sliced ham, sliced oil-packed tuna, or sliced roasted pork, to get a variety of flavors.

    Dont forget to compact: To add another layer of flavor and texture to the sandwich, choose one or two favorite pickles. Sliced dill, giardiniera (Italian pickles are popular), pickled green beans, beets, or other vegetables bring a lively, refreshing taste to every bite of the sandwich. Layer them between the meat and cheese to prevent the brine from making the sandwich too soft.

    Wrap it up: To seal all the flavors and keep the sandwich together, tightly wrap the sandwich in plastic wrap

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