20多岁的年轻人邀请Bill Murray在野餐时扮演’通用父亲形象’

20多岁的年轻人邀请Bill Murray在野餐时扮演’通用父亲形象’



法案 Murray Craigslist ad for Father's Day weekend barbecue
在得到关注Craigslist广告寻求“通用父亲形象”参加他们的后院野餐之后,华盛顿州斯波坎的一些朋友现在希望Bill Murray担任“角色”。


法案 Murray wanted at Spokane barbecue
在华盛顿州斯波坎举行的6月17日后院野餐会上要求演员比尔·默里出席.Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images



“我们的几个爸爸住在附近,但并不多。他们认为这很有趣,”该集团发言人泰勒赖特告诉TODAY Food。 “为什么不是比尔·默里?他是我们都在寻找的典型的通用父亲形象。”

组 wants Bill Muarry to attend their Spokane barbecue
Bill Murray背后的朋友群包括(左起)Sean Ray,Travis Rybarski,Michelle Miller,Dane Anderson和Eli Estle(前锋,中锋)。他们称自己为“男孩”。礼貌Taylor Wright



穆雷会出现吗?好吧,我们知道他 喜欢烧烤。他于12月回到德克萨斯州奥斯汀的着名富兰克林烧烤餐厅。这位66岁的演员确实以随机,非名人派对而闻名。甚至还有一个网站致力于向粉丝讲述真实和制作“Bill Murray Stories”的故事,讲述了这位演员出人意料地出现的地方.

如果他没有表现出来,请不要感到难过,伙计们 – 这位演员即将踏上刚刚宣布的夏季和秋季巡回演唱会,宣传他的第一张音乐专辑“新世界”,将于今年八月发行.

哦,这是古典音乐 – 这家伙真的充满了惊喜.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, the article discusses a group of friends in Spokane, Washington who posted a Craigslist ad seeking a “universal father figure” to attend their backyard picnic on Fathers Day weekend. After gaining attention, the group now hopes that actor Bill Murray will attend the event. The group, known as “the boys,” believes that Murray is the perfect representation of a universal father figure. While Murray has not confirmed his attendance, the groups spokesperson, Taylor Wright, stated that their fathers find the idea amusing. The father figures duties include grilling burgers and hot dogs, referring to all attendees as “big guy,” “chief,” “sport,” “champ,” and discussing “dad things” such as lawnmowers, building their own license plates, and Jimmy Buffett. The event will only be paid in food and beer.

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