百事可乐商标营销副总裁Chad Stubbs在一份声明中说:“水晶百事可乐一直是粉丝的最爱,粉丝们一次又一次地要求它。” “从90年代到现在,百事可乐已成为一个与音乐和棒球联系非常紧密的品牌。我们很高兴看到这场特别的巡回演出变得生动起来,并庆祝水晶百事可乐的最后一次回归。”
为了庆祝水晶百事可乐及其起源时代,百事可乐推出重新推出一系列复古音乐会,其中包括头条新闻Busta Rhymes和Salt-N-Pepa.
当它首次推出时,Crystal Pepsi的销售比普通可乐更健康,因为它被认为没有人造成分(即百事可乐当时仍在使用的焦糖色素)。然而,这种清澈的苏打水并不像三十年前营销材料那样健康 – 水晶百事可乐含有250卡路里的热量和20盎司瓶装的高达69克的糖。此外,它正在回归的时候,喝苏打水的人越来越少.
但是,毫无疑问,明确的碳酸饮料现在正在发展趋势。 Polar,一个已经存在超过100年的新英格兰饮料品牌,刚推出了一系列新的苏打水:Seltzer’ade,以新鲜柠檬和酸橙作为基础的精华,然后在气泡上分层。这种饮料的目标是非常受欢迎的La Croix,它以自己的罐装轻微口味的苏打水而闻名。近年来,所谓的“硬质苏打”品牌也大量涌入,如Smirnoff Spiked Sparkling Seltzer或Truly Spiked&Sparkling.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the return of Crystal Pepsi, a clear version of Pepsi that was popular in the 90s but was discontinued. Pepsi has reintroduced it for a limited time and is celebrating its return with retro music concerts. While Crystal Pepsi was marketed as a healthier alternative to regular soda, it actually contained more calories and sugar. The article also mentions the trend of carbonated beverages, including new brands like Polars Seltzerade and “hard seltzers” like Smirnoff Spiked Sparkling Seltzer. It remains to be seen if Crystal Pepsi will find a place in the current market.