صور المرح من الكلب تعطي مقياسا فنان جديد على الحياة بعد الانفصال

صور المرح من الكلب تعطي مقياسا فنان جديد على الحياة بعد الانفصال

قبل يوم واحد من عيد ميلاده الواحد والثلاثين ، غادر جميع الفنان البرازيلي رافائيل مانتيسو بعد أن أخذت زوجته السابقة كل الأثاث في طلاقهما ، وكان بيتًا أبيض فارغًا وجارًا ثورًا اسمه جيمي تشو.


أثناء العلاج في محاولة لإنقاذ زواجه المضطرب ، اكتشف مانيسو أنه يعاني من متلازمة أسبرجر وهو مفرط النشاط ، موضحًا السبب في أنه كان دائمًا انطوائيًا. وقال: “عندما كنت طفلاً ، كنت خجولة جداً وغير اجتماعية.”.  


لكن مانتيسو كان دائما على مقربة من أفضل صديق للرجل ، لذلك عندما انقسم هو وزوجته ، قرروا أن يحصل على جيمي تشو. كان الكلب شيء جيد للخروج من الطلاق. وقال مانتيسو: “إنه أفضل شريك على الإطلاق”. “إنه بالتأكيد أفضل صديق لي ورفيق لي.” 

بدأ مانتيسو تصوير صور جيمي في منزله المهجور. “في يوم من الأيام كنت ألعب معه في الغرفة وقررت أن أجعل هذه الصورة ، وأمسك بيده [مع إظهار] المودة والصداقة التي كانت موجودة هناك” ، قال الفنان لتوداي..


هذا عندما أدرك Mantesso أنه قادر على استخدام إبداعه لتقديم تصاميمه مع صديقه المفضل. كان جيمي يجلس دائمًا بجانب مانتيسو عندما كان مبدعًا ، لذلك كان التطور الطبيعي في مسيرته هو تضمين رفيقه المفضل. “هذه الصورة [ولدت] فكرة الآخر ، [إطلاق النار جيمي] على خلفية بيضاء ، القيام بشيء ما أو التفاعل مع شيء ما.” 


قال مانتيسو: “الرسم يريحني ، ولكنني أعبر عن نفسي أيضًا”. “أحب ذلك ، وأتحدث دون قول كلمة أو نشر صور بدون تسميات توضيحية”. 


تتشكل المواقف Mantesso و Jimmy Choo معًا بعناية وتشكل إبداعات ممتعة.


وقال مانتيسو: “من السهل جدًا تصويره” ، واعتقد أنه “من الفوضى حقًا عندما أقوم بتصويره. لقد تم تدريبه ، لذلك فهو يعرف أن الأمر الصوتي هو “البقاء”.


تواصل Mantesso إنتاج قطع رائعتين مع جيمي. وقال “إنني أنام قليلاً وأنتج الكثير”. أنا أعرف كيفية رسم [و] الأفكار لا تنتهي. “

11 صور

عرض الشرائح

صور المرح من الكلب تعطي مقياسا فنان جديد على الحياة بعد الانفصال

رافائيل مانتيسو يخلق فن رائعتين به جحر الثور ، مما يساعده على التعافي بعد الطلاق الصعب.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    One day before his 31st birthday, Brazilian artist Rafael Mantesso left after his ex-wife took all the furniture in their divorce, leaving a white empty house and a bull terrier named Jimmy Choo. During therapy in an attempt to save his troubled marriage, Mantesso discovered he had Aspergers syndrome, which is hyperactivity, explaining why he was always introverted. He said, “When I was a child, I was very shy and unsocial.” But Mantesso was always close to the mans best friend, so when he and his wife split, they decided to get Jimmy Choo. The dog was a good thing to get out of the divorce. Mantesso said, “Hes the best partner ever.” “Hes definitely my best friend and companion.” Mantesso began taking pictures of Jimmy in his abandoned home. “One day I was playing with him in the room and decided to make this picture, holding his hand [showing] the affection and friendship that was there,” the artist told Today. Thats when Mantesso realized he could use his creativity to present his designs with his favorite friend. Jimmy always sat next to Mantesso when he was creative, so the natural evolution in his career was to include his favorite companion. “This picture [was born] the idea of the other, [shooting Jimmy] on a white background, doing something or interacting with something.” Mantesso said, “Drawing relaxes me, but I also express myself.” “I love it, and I speak without saying a word or posting pictures without captions.” Mantesso and Jimmy Choos situations are carefully crafted and form fun creations. And Mantesso said, “Its very easy to shoot him,” and he thought it was “really messy when I shoot him. Hes been trained, so he knows the sound is stay.” Mantesso continues to produce great pieces with Jimmy. He said, “I sleep a little and produce a lot.” I know how to draw [and] the ideas never end.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    One day before his 31st birthday, Brazilian artist Rafael Mantesso left after his ex-wife took all the furniture in their divorce, leaving a white empty house and a bull terrier named Jimmy Choo. During therapy in an attempt to save his troubled marriage, Mantesso discovered he had Aspergers syndrome, which is hyperactivity, explaining why he was always introverted. He said, “When I was a child, I was very shy and unsocial.” But Mantesso was always close to the mans best friend, so when he and his wife split, they decided to get Jimmy Choo. The dog was a good thing to get out of the divorce. Mantesso said, “Hes the best partner ever.” “Hes definitely my best friend and companion.” Mantesso began taking pictures of Jimmy in his abandoned home. “One day I was playing with him in the room and decided to make this picture, holding his hand [showing] the affection and friendship that was there,” the artist told Today. Thats when Mantesso realized he could use his creativity to present his designs with his favorite friend. Jimmy always sat next to Mantesso when he was creative, so the natural evolution in his career was to include his favorite companion. “This picture [was born] the idea of the other, [shooting Jimmy] on a white background, doing something or interacting with something.” Mantesso said, “Drawing relaxes me, but I also express myself.” “I love it, and I speak without saying a word or posting pictures without captions.” Mantesso and Jimmy Choos situations are carefully crafted and form fun creations. And Mantesso said, “Its very easy to shoot him,” and he thought it was “really messy when I shoot him. Hes been trained, so he knows the sound is stay.” Mantesso continues to produce great pieces with Jimmy. He said, “I sleep a little and produce a lot.” I know how to draw [and] the ideas never end.

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