狗访问殡仪馆最后再见,亲爱的老板 2023



当一只从小狗身上抚养她的男人Andy Baelieu因突然心脏病发作而死亡时,这只13岁的混血犬就在他身边。 “在医护人员无法复活并拯救安迪之后,萨迪躺在他旁边并依偎着他的手,”位于不列颠哥伦比亚省兰利市的Elements Cremation,Pre-Planning,&Burial总裁杰里米·梅告诉今日.

悲痛 Dog finally gets closure


“悲伤不是人类的情感。爱情不是人类的情感。这些是我们与其他动物共享的情感,”威廉玛丽学院人类学教授兼“动物如何悲伤”的作者Barbara J. King告诉今日.




让Sadie参与Baelieu的服务并不仅仅是一个激动人心的决定。 “从安迪去世的那一刻起,(Baelieu的妻子朱莉娅知道),萨迪将会在那里,”梅说。.








“这不是第一次,这也不是最后一次发生这种情况,”他告诉今天。 “我会鼓励所有殡仪馆关心关闭,而不是关心地毯。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Sadie the dog proved that humans are not the only ones who grieve for the loss of loved ones. When Andy Baelieu, the man who raised her from a puppy, died suddenly of a heart attack, the 13-year-old mixed breed dog was by his side. “After medical personnel were unable to revive and save Andy, Sadie lay next to him and cuddled his hand,” Jeremy May, president of Elements Cremation, Pre-Planning, & Burial in Langley, British Columbia, told Today. May said the photo “not only helped (Baelieus wife) through the ongoing grieving process, but also brought her great joy during this difficult time.” According to King, many studies have shown that dogs grieve for each other, but “whats really important to understand is that when a pet mourns one of us, its because their emotional capacity comes from their own relationships (with other animals of their species).” Letting Sadie participate in Baelieus service was not just an exciting decision. “From the moment Andy passed away, (his wife Julia knew) Sadie would be there,” May said. On the day of the funeral, accompanied by Baelieus wife, Sadie was the last person to enter the room. The dog put her two front paws on the coffin and looked at her deceased companion. “There was this incredible emotion and sense of power in the room because everyone knew how important Sadie was to Andy,” May said. After seemingly needing closure, May said Sadie “calmly walked out, went home and ate two meals, started to heal and went back to her way of life.”

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