宠物鸡可以帮助男人在他的狗去世后治愈 – 互联网也很喜欢他们

宠物鸡可以帮助男人在他的狗去世后治愈 – 互联网也很喜欢他们


在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的一家新闻网撰写关于这只鸡的Sammi – Cox的1岁罗德岛红母鸡 – 以及她蓬勃发展的Instagram帐户后,考克斯的故事本周传播开来。.

但43岁的考克斯说,他走向Sammi的路径 – 他经常和他一起去海滩 – 大约20年前,他开始用一只叫做Cort的蓝色小狗.

人 gets pet chicken after losing beloved dog after 17 years

“Cort与我的关系非常密切,”这位自雇住宅总承包商告诉今日。 “他17岁时去世了。我非常伤心,我真的相信我永远不会找到像他这样的另一只狗。我们只是有联系。”




郑秀文 the pet chicken


“她开始和我一起去,”考克斯回忆道。 “我们只是去海滩;我们喜欢一起在海里游泳,我们会继续冒险。我会一直把她带走。”

郑秀文 the pet chicken


考克斯说:“以前人们从来没有碰过鸡,他们认为她太棒了。” “他们会向她索要一张照片,然后说,’我是这样在Instagram上张贴的 – 她的Instagram帐户是什么,所以我可以给你加标签?’”




但考克斯表示,他们的成名并不能阻止他和Sammi的旅行计划。两人计划即将访问佐治亚州的萨凡纳和佛罗里达州的Cedar Key,并受邀访问华盛顿和德克萨斯州的粉丝。.

考克斯开玩笑说:“我不确定如何让她在飞机上。” “她不是我的情感支持动物;我是她的看护人。”

郑秀文 the pet chicken


“鸡是非常不同的,”考克斯说。 “一只狗会迎接你,舔你的脸,跳上你。鸡不是那样的,但是Sammi和我有一个联系。她知道我的声音,她认出我的脸,她认识我。”

“她是我的伴侣。我们很有耐心,并且记住她的大脑就像我一样豌豆的大小 – 我们彼此学到了很多东西。”



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    Dogs may be considered as mans best friend, but for Dave Cox, a chicken named Sammi is his second best friend. Coxs story about his 1-year-old Rhode Island Red hen, Sammi, and her thriving Instagram account went viral this week after a news website in Jacksonville, Florida wrote about her. Cox said that he started walking the path towards Sammi about 20 years ago when he used to have a blue little dog named Cort. Cox and his dog Cort passed away at the age of 17. Although he wanted a new pet companion, Cox hoped to find a unique and “out of the norm” pet. “Let me consider a chicken, Ill never know,” he said. Sammi, who is now 1 year old, lives with her owner in Destin, Florida.

    Cox said that during their trips to places like St. Augustine, Florida, and New Orleans, Louisiana, thousands of people found him and asked to hold Sammi and take pictures with her. Cox said, “Theyve never touched a chicken before, they think shes great.” Before this, Cox knew nothing about Instagram, but after a trip to Panama City Beach, Florida in February of last year, he decided to create an account to document Sammis adventures. Until this week, Sammis Instagram account had about 200 followers. After going viral, the hen now has thousands of followers.

    Cox said that their fame wont stop him and Sammi from traveling. The two plan to visit Savannah, Georgia, and Cedar Key, Florida, and have been invited to visit fans in Washington and Texas. Cox joked, “Im not sure how to get her on a plane. Shes not my emotional support animal; Im her caregiver.” Although owning a chicken is different from owning a dog, Cox said that he and Sammi have a special connection. “A dog will greet you, lick your face, jump on you. A chicken is not like that, but Sammi and I have a connection. She knows my voice, she recognizes my face, she knows me. Shes my companion. Were patient with each other, and remember her brain is the size of a pea like mine – weve learned a lot from each other.”

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