认识世界最丑狗比赛的冠军Zsa Zsa

认识世界最丑狗比赛的冠军Zsa Zsa

所有的狗都是好狗。但并非所有的狗都很好-看着 小狗.

近30年来,世界上最丑的狗比赛对于世界上最不具吸引力的犬类来说,看起来高低不一。星期六,作为加利福尼亚州佩塔卢马市索诺玛 – 马林县博览会的一部分,一位名叫Zsa Zsa的9岁英国斗牛犬被评为最丑.

与世界上最丑的狗Zsa Zsa见面!


“我知道她肯定会赢得胜利,”主人梅根布雷纳德说道,她将Zsa Zsa(以女演员Zsa Zsa Gabor命名)带到了周一的TODAY工作室。她还透露,孩子经常给狗的大舌头“摇晃”,好像它是第五爪.

同事所有者Jesse Larson用一个词描述了Zsa Zsa的个性:“凌乱。”

莎莎 Zsa on TODAY
Zsa Zsa这只丑陋的狗在星期一与她的主人一起访问该集合时遇到了TODAY主播。舌头有些颤抖.Nathan Congleton /今天

在一家组织从一家小狗工厂救出她之后,Brainard在PetFinder.com上找到了Zsa Zsa。她在距离她在明尼苏达州安诺卡的家中开车超过30小时的斗牛犬,以确保大量的美丽进入比赛。她和Zsa Zsa的努力赢得了1,500美元.

去年的冠军是一只3岁的那不勒斯獒犬,名叫玛莎,是来自Dogwood Animal Rescue Group的寄养家,许多以前的获奖者都获救了.


那么评委们在寻找什么呢?一个整体丑陋的外观,当然,也许是一些疯狂的头发和牙齿。一个懒洋洋的舌头是一个 加上,排在第二位的斯坎普,甚至因为有点臭而获得积分.

图片: Worlds Ugliest Dog Contest
Megan Brainard(右图)与Zsa Zsa,2023年世界最丑狗比赛的冠军,6月23日获得第二名Scamp和Scamp的老板Yvonne Morones. EPA

但Zsa Zsa,那个巨大的舌头,弯曲的牙齿和粉红色修指甲(!)的主人最终赢得了这一天.


在Twitter上关注Randee Dawn.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “All dogs are good dogs. But not all dogs are very good-looking – looking at the little dog. For nearly 30 years, the worlds ugliest dog contest has been a mixed bag for the worlds least attractive breeds. On Saturday, as part of the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California, a 9-year-old English bulldog named Zsa Zsa was named the ugliest. “I knew she was definitely going to win,” owner Megan Brainard said, bringing Zsa Zsa (named after actress Zsa Zsa Gabor) to the TODAY studio on Monday. She also revealed that children often “shake” the dogs big tongue as if it were a fifth claw. Colleague owner Jesse Larson described Zsa Zsas personality in one word: “messy.” After Brainard rescued her from a puppy mill organization, she found Zsa Zsa on PetFinder.com. She drove more than 30 hours from her home in Anoka, Minnesota, to ensure a lot of beauty entered the competition. Her and Zsa Zsas efforts won $1,500. Last years champion was a 3-year-old Neapolitan mastiff named Martha, who was a foster home from the Dogwood Animal Rescue Group, and many previous winners have been rescued. So what are the judges looking for? A generally ugly appearance, of course, perhaps some crazy hair and teeth. A lazy tongue is a definite plus, and second-place Scamp even scored points for being a little smelly. But Zsa Zsa, with her huge tongue, crooked teeth, and pink manicure (!), ultimately won the day. Just reflecting with paws! Follow Randee Dawn on Twitter.”

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