

不到三年前,由于严重的恐慌症,Valerie Parrott几乎不能离开她的家.



EXCL: Service dog Bella calms down bride on wedding day
一张温暖的照片显示南达科他州的女人Valerie Parrott作为她的服务犬贝拉,她在1月9日的婚礼前让她神经紧张.Maddie Peschong / IMP功能






婚礼摄影师Maddie Peschong在南部达科他州Sioux Falls的Rustic Hills社区教堂拍摄了感人的形象,之前Parrott与她的丈夫Andrew的婚礼.


EXCL: Service dog Bella calms down bride on wedding day
贝拉甚至在1月9日在南达科他州的婚礼上与她的丈夫安德鲁一起走过走道,走进过道的新娘瓦莱丽·帕罗特.Maddie Peschong / IMP功能






EXCL: Service dog Bella calms down bride on wedding day
由于她的服务犬贝拉,瓦莱丽·帕罗特能够专注于与丈夫安德鲁结婚的快乐,而不是她的恐慌症。贝拉是他们的第一次接吻,就像男人和妻子一样.Maddie Peschong / IMP功能



Peschong说:“让我对这张照片变得如此兴奋的原因让我感到非常兴奋,因为它确实让Val成为平台,让人们了解服务犬的情况。” “它们被用于许多看不见的疾病,而且它们在这些人的生活中起着重要作用。”



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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses Valerie Parrotts struggle with anxiety and how her service dog, Bella, helped her overcome her fears during her wedding. The heartwarming photo of Parrott and Bella has gone viral, bringing awareness to the important role that service dogs play in the lives of people with invisible disabilities. Parrott hopes to spread awareness about service dogs through her blog and encourages others to learn more about them.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses Valerie Parrotts struggle with anxiety and how her service dog, Bella, helped her overcome her fears during her wedding. The heartwarming photo of Parrott and Bella has gone viral, bringing awareness to the important role that service dogs play in the lives of people with invisible disabilities. Parrott hopes to spread awareness about service dogs through her blog and encourages others to learn more about them.

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