




当他的前任老板不再能够照顾他时,一个慈善机构发起呼吁,寻找Atlas一个新家。,43岁的Jen Hislop是数百名其他申请人中的幸运赢家.


“当我接到电话说我被选中重新回家阿特拉斯时,我泪流满面,当我收集他时,我再次哭了,”希斯洛普说。苏格兰北艾尔郡居民对她新收养的宠物非常兴奋,她甚至将自己的名字改为Atilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws – 简称“Atty”.









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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Like a rabbit, a giant rabbit named Atlas has become a popular commodity, attracting hundreds of people who want to provide a home for this huge creature. If at first glance you think this giant animal is a dog, your confusion is understandable: at 7 months old, the continental giant rabbit is as big as a West Highland Terrier. When his former owner could no longer take care of him, a charity launched an appeal to find Atlas a new home. 43-year-old Jen Hislop was the lucky winner among hundreds of other applicants. “When I received the call saying I had been chosen to bring Atlas home, I burst into tears, and when I collected him, I cried again,” Hislop said. Residents of North Ayrshire, Scotland, are very excited about her new pet, and she even changed her name to Atilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws – or “Atty” for short. “Atlas is an absolute character and wont stop running around unless he crashes into his giant beanbag,” she added. It seems that Atlas is not cute enough, as when he goes out of town, Hislop takes him in a baby carriage. In short, Atlas is lucky to have four very large rabbit feet!

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Like a rabbit, a giant rabbit named Atlas has become a popular commodity, attracting hundreds of people who want to provide a home for this huge creature. If at first glance you think this giant animal is a dog, your confusion is understandable: at 7 months old, the continental giant rabbit is as big as a West Highland Terrier. When his former owner could no longer take care of him, a charity launched an appeal to find Atlas a new home. 43-year-old Jen Hislop was the lucky winner among hundreds of other applicants. “When I received the call saying I had been chosen to bring Atlas home, I burst into tears, and when I collected him, I cried again,” Hislop said. Residents of North Ayrshire, Scotland, are very excited about her new pet, and she even changed her name to Atilla the Bun Binky Master Jazz Paws – or “Atty” for short. “Atlas is an absolute character and wont stop running around unless he crashes into his giant beanbag,” she added. It seems that Atlas is not cute enough, as when he goes out of town, Hislop takes him in a baby carriage. In short, Atlas is lucky to have four very large rabbit feet!

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