

军士。克雷格·格罗西(Craig Grossi)第一次看到这只流浪狗头上有笨拙的腿和短腿,当他的部队不断遭到阿富汗塔利班的攻击时,这将有助于挽救他的生命.





这是海洋与笨蛋之间紧密联系的开始,Grossi将此作为今日“真正的勇气”系列的一部分。 Grossi还在他的回忆录“Craig&Fred:一个海军陆战队员,一只流浪狗,以及他们如何相互救出”中写下了他们的特殊关系。


克雷格 and Fred
军士。 2010年,克雷格·格罗西在阿富汗敌对地区为海军陆战队进行侦察时,第一次见到了他的狗弗雷德.


克雷格 and Fred




克雷格 and Fred



一旦格罗西回到美国,他就意识到他需要弗雷德多少钱。他正在处理塔利班火箭击中他的大院时造成的创伤性脑损伤,他正在哀悼一位亲密朋友Gunnery Sergeant Justin Schmalstieg的死亡,他被一名简易爆炸装置杀死.

克雷格 and Fred
格罗西现在和他的女朋友弗雷德住在缅因州波特兰市郊. 克雷格格罗西


“(人们会问)这是什么样的狗?”格罗西说。 “这是我谈论阿富汗的机会。”





在推特上关注今天的制片人Jennifer Long和作家Scott Stump.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Soldier. Craig Grossis first encounter with this stray dog with awkward legs and short stature on its head would help save his life as his unit faced constant attacks from the Taliban in Afghanistan. Grossi was collecting intelligence for an elite Navy reconnaissance unit that was frequently under attack in the remote area of Sangin in 2010. One day, he saw a dog playing carelessly in a world where caution was necessary. When he got closer, the dog began wagging its tail, which was the last thing Grossi expected the dog to do with someone he had never seen before. This was the beginning of a close bond between Marine and Fred, which Grossi chronicled in his memoir “Craig & Fred: A Marine, A Stray Dog, and How They Rescued Each Other.”

    Despite rules prohibiting Marines from bringing in stray dogs, the two formed a special connection. However, the Marines had a strict “no stray dogs” policy in Afghanistan, which meant that if Fred was caught by Grossi, he would be euthanized without question. Afghan commandos in the Marine compound also did not appreciate Fred living among them, and the situation escalated to the point where gun battles almost broke out because of the dogs presence. Nevertheless, Grossi would not give up on Fred.

    To get Fred back to the United States, Grossi smuggled him in his duffel bag to Camp Leatherneck in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. A group of DHL workers and a sympathetic veterinarian then helped transport the dog back to the United States, where he was eventually reunited with Grossi. Grossi now lives with Fred and his girlfriend in the suburbs of Portland, Maine.

    Grossi also began to suffer from PTSD-specific hyper-vigilance and nightmares, but found it difficult to talk to anyone about it. Freds presence by his side often gave him an opening to talk about Afghanistan. Grossi now lives outside Portland, Maine, with his girlfriend Nora and her dog Ruby. He has found a calling in traveling with Fred to help others deal with post-traumatic stress.

    Grossi has given Fred credit for saving and enriching his life. “Hes still saving me,” Grossi said. “Hes impacted my life in so many ways, and Im still figuring out how.”

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