

一个 WIN: Reminiscent of both David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust phase and Richard Marx's locks in the 1980s, this look is a timeless classic. To attain it, be careful to shear with care near the neckline, and try a nice amplifying shampoo to enhance volume.
胜利:让人联想到大卫鲍伊的Ziggy Stardust阶段和20世纪80年代理查德马克思的锁定,这种外观是一个永恒的经典。为了达到这个目的,小心在领口附近小心剪切,并尝试使用漂亮的放大洗发水来增加体积.Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天


经验总是令人不快 – 但你知道吗?它提供了一个机会:a)散发出自信和b)看起来很漂亮.

获取灵感,只需看看这里描绘的stylin’羊驼。他们住在奥地利萨尔茨堡附近的一个农场,当人类Carina和Erwin Stadler上个月剃掉了体重和体重的头发时,这些动物抓住了他们复古外观的聚光灯 – 其中很多都很有效,其中只有少数有点平坦。继续滚动以查看更多样式的获胜和失误以及任何羊驼的有用提示,无论骨骼结构或毛发色调如何.

一个 WIN: A faux-hawk never really goes out of style. To maintain this look in all kinds of weather, flip your head upside down before blow-drying, then mist with a light-hold hairspray.
胜利:一只假鹰从来没有真正过时。为了在各种天气下保持这种外观,在吹干前翻转头部,然后用轻便的喷发剂喷雾.Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天
一个 MISS: This look does nothing to accentuate this alpaca's beautiful face. To make matters worse, too much fur near the mouth can ensnare un-chewed grass in an unsightly manner.
一个小姐:这个外观没有什么可以突出这个羊驼的美丽面孔。更糟糕的是,嘴巴附近过多的皮毛会以难看的方式诱捕未被啃的草.Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天
一个 PARTIAL WIN: This alpaca pulls off a very short style with flair, but she's in desperate need of a rich conditioner and some shine glaze.
A PARTIAL WIN:这款羊驼采用非常短的款式,但是她迫切需要丰富的护发素和一些亮泽的釉料。.Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天
一个 WIN: Going gray? Then follow this alpaca's example: Don't hide it – own it! Just remember to work an anti-frizz through your fur with a wide-tooth comb.
一场胜利:灰白色?然后按照这个羊驼的例子:不要隐藏它 – 拥有它!只要记住用宽齿梳子在你的皮毛上做一个反毛躁.Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天
一个 PARTIAL MISS: Tina Turner called. She wants her wig back. (Although actually, on second thought, Tina's signature style doesn't look too shabby on this alpaca.)
A PARTIAL MISS:Tina Turner打来电话。她想要她的假发。 (虽然实际上,第二个想法,蒂娜的标志性风格在这只羊驼上看起来并不太破旧。)Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天
硬 TO CALL: Sock puppets?!? No! Golf club covers?!? No! Well, we'll go ahead and give these alpacas a
很难打电话:袜子木偶?!?没有!高尔夫球杆套?!?没有!好吧,我们将继续为这些羊驼提供一个“胜利”,让它们的皮毛保持蓬松和光泽 – 即使它们之间酝酿的情况看起来有点紧张.Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天
成功! Remember, style is all about functionality. Find the look that works best for you, and you can frolic through the fields without a care in the world!
成功!请记住,风格完全与功能有关。找到最适合自己的外观,你可以在世界上无需小心地穿过田野!Kerstin Joensson / AP /今天


TODAY.com的作家Laura T. Coffey想向所有动物爱好者强调,她们真的很想在实际的羊驼上使用这些产品. 在这里可以找到劳拉 Facebook的推特.


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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the different hairstyles of alpacas and provides tips on how to achieve a certain look. It also showcases various alpacas with different hairstyles, some successful and some not so much. The article emphasizes that style is all about functionality and finding the right look for oneself. Overall, it is an interesting and lighthearted read for animal lovers.

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