

图片: Peanut
花生在奖杯前摆姿势.George Nikitin /今天

一只伤痕累累的嘴唇,眼睑和毛皮缺失的狗可能听起来不像是胜利者,但是2岁的笨蛋花生 – 拥有所有这些特征,然后是一些 – 在星期五在索诺玛被冠以世界上最丑的狗-Marin Fair在加利福尼亚州佩塔卢马举行的比赛.

被认为是奇瓦瓦 – 西施组合的小狗在他的生活中有一个非常艰难的开始。他还是一只小狗时被严重烧伤,在他的新主人,北卡罗来纳州格林维尔的Holly Chandler收养他之前,他在动物医院待了九个多月。.




花生受到今日观众的青睐,赢得了比赛,76,643人中有近36,000张选票在截稿时提交了回复。就今日读者而言,他最接近的竞争对手是名为Sweepee的中国凤头 – 奇瓦瓦混合体,获得16,000张选票. 




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    It is heartwarming to see Peanut, a dog with a difficult past, win the title of the worlds ugliest dog. Despite his scars and missing fur, he has captured the hearts of many and serves as a symbol of hope for abused animals. It is also inspiring to see his owner, Holly Chandler, use the prize money to help other pets in need. While some may view the contest as a form of mockery, the organizers emphasize that it is a celebration of unique and lovable characters. Peanuts victory reminds us that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and that every animal deserves love and care.

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