Meowza! Weatherman在电视直播中吃猫呕吐物

Meowza! Weatherman在电视直播中吃猫呕吐物

预测?毛,有一点点机会 – 他真的吃了 – 那个?一些当地新闻天气预报员喜欢在提供预测的同时小丑,但周三在康涅狄格州哈特福德的CBS电视台WFSB-TV的Scot Haney走得太远了。在一个直播的新闻节目中,哈尼在工作室的地板上舀出了他认为的少量葡萄坚果麦片,然后把它塞进嘴里 – 只是为了太晚了解它不是麦片,而是猫呕吐.

“他们有点潮湿,”哈尼第一口咬着说,因为他的同伴看起来吓坏了。 “他们的味道就像鞋子。”




“我吃的不是葡萄坚果,”哈尼说。 “我一直在地板上找到越来越多的东西,我认为它是葡萄坚果,因为它看起来就像它。我的猫呕吐,我必须介入它,这就是我吃的东西。”作为证据,哈尼举起了他的猫咪喷溅的鞋子.

“那真令人恶心!”他说。 “我会呕吐。好吧,我已经完成了。我不是在做我的故事,我很累。去艾琳(O’Connor,WFSB主播)。”


Tanya Capeci在推文中写道:“我认为你需要一口薄荷或猫咪的口水。”.

即使是他自己的雇主也无法抗拒戏弄哈尼 – 并用他奇怪的饮食选择来吸引观众观看.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the given topic.

    The incident involving Scot Haney, a weatherman from Connecticut, who mistakenly ate cat vomit on live television, has become a viral sensation. While some may find it amusing, others may find it disgusting. Regardless, it is important to remember that mistakes happen, and we should not be too quick to judge or ridicule others. Haneys willingness to share his embarrassing moment with the world shows his sense of humor and humility. Let us all learn from his mistake and be more careful about what we put in our mouths.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the given topic.

    The incident involving Scot Haney, a weatherman from Connecticut, who mistakenly ate cat vomit on live television, has become a viral sensation. While some may find it amusing, others may find it disgusting. Regardless, it is important to remember that mistakes happen, and we should not be too quick to judge or ridicule others. Haneys willingness to share his embarrassing moment with the world shows his sense of humor and humility. Let us all learn from his mistake and be more careful about what we put in our mouths.

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