С увеличаването на смъртните случаи по пътищата, полицията се отървава от агресивното шофиране

С увеличаването на смъртните случаи по пътищата, полицията се отървава от агресивното шофиране

През декември миналата година Делание Стрикул се качи заедно с приятелката си Ванеса Гладиекс на международен път 80 в окръг Плаерс, Северна Калифорния, когато шофьорът на спортен камион на Ford Explorer многократно затваряше и ги отрязва.

– Аз я отблъсквам – разказа го Стрикул. “И аз казвам:” Можете ли да обърнете внимание на пътя? “

В отговор, Explorer издърпа пред малката Mazda, че Гладиеу шофира и внезапно спря. Шофьорът й, 50-годишната Диджир Ороцко от Санта Клара, се измъкна и се обърна към Мазда, заявявайки, че е шериф и че двете млади жени щели да влязат в затвора.

С увеличаването на смъртните случаи полицията потъва в яростта на пътя


Гладиой реагира, като се ускори. Ороско се върна в камиона и преследва двете жени. Тръгнала пред тях, тя принудила Мазда да спре.

Още веднъж двете млади жени избягаха. Стрикул се обади в паника в 911, когато Orozco ги преследва отново и удари Mazda отстрани, опитвайки се да го изтласка от пътя.

Следвайки инструкциите на диспечера, двете жени се качиха там, където офицерите от Калифорнийския магистрален патрул чакаха да им помогнат. Ороцко бе арестуван за нападение с смъртоносно оръжие, безразсъдно шофиране и съпротива срещу арестуването.

Оказа се, че преди пет дни тя е била арестувана за друг инцидент в близкия Roseville, Калифорния. Orozco се призна за невинен за всички обвинения, свързани с двата инцидента.

Насилствените действия на пътната ярост се влошават. В Лас Вегас 19-годишният Ерих Ноуш е бил арестуван във връзка с убийството на Тами Майерс, майка на четирима, на 12 февруари, в което Капитан Кристофър Томайно от полицията в Лас Вегас нарече “убийство по пътя на ярост”. адвокатите казват, че инцидентът е бил неправилно означен като ярост, но не са предложили алтернативен график на събитията.)

Близо 1500 души са били убити при катастрофи, свързани с пътя на ярост и агресивното шофиране от 2008 г. насам, според Националната администрация по безопасност на движението по пътищата. Сега полицията се срива.


Екипът на Rossen Reports се разхожда заедно с Поттстаун, Пенсилвания, полицията, докато търсят агресивни шофьори, опитвайки се да спрат инцидентите по пътя на ярост преди да се случат. Те забелязаха, че един шофьор на колата се движеше между платната и скоростта и го дръпна, удряйки го с четири нарушения.

Полицията казва, че ако някога срещнете агресивен шофьор, забавете го и го пуснете. И ако те нападнат, полицията съветва, обадете се на 911 и останете по телефона с диспечера, докато агресивният шофьор напусне.

Ужасяващ инцидент, причинен от пътя-ярост, уловен от камерата


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:

    In December of last year, Delanie Strickul and her girlfriend Vanessa Gladieux were driving on International Route 80 in Placer County, Northern California, when the driver of a Ford Explorer repeatedly cut them off. “I push her away,” Strickul said. “And I say, Can you pay attention to the road?” In response, the Explorer pulled in front of the small Mazda that Gladieux was driving and suddenly stopped. Its driver, 50-year-old Dijir Orozco from Santa Clara, got out and turned to the Mazda, claiming that the two young women were going to jail. Gladieux reacted by speeding up. Orozco returned to his truck and chased the two women. He pulled in front of them, forcing the Mazda to stop. Once again, the two young women escaped. Strickul panicked and called 911 when Orozco chased them again and hit the Mazda from the side, trying to push it off the road. Following the dispatchers instructions, the two women got out where California Highway Patrol officers were waiting to help them. Orozco was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving, and resisting arrest. It turned out that five days earlier, she had been arrested for another incident in nearby Roseville, California. Orozco pleaded not guilty to all charges related to the two incidents. Road rage incidents are worsening. In Las Vegas, 19-year-old Erich Nowsch was arrested in connection with the murder of Tammy Meyers, a mother of four, on February 12, which Captain Christopher Tomaino of the Las Vegas police called a “road rage murder.” Lawyers say the incident was mislabeled as road rage but have not offered an alternative timeline of events. Nearly 1,500 people have been killed in road rage and aggressive driving-related crashes since 2008, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Now the police are collapsing. The Rossen Reports team walks with the Pottstown, Pennsylvania, police as they search for aggressive drivers, trying to stop road rage incidents before they happen. They noticed that one driver was moving between lanes and speeds and pulled him over, citing him with four violations. Police say that if you ever encounter an aggressive driver, slow down and let them pass. And if they attack you,

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:

    In December of last year, Delanie Strickul and his girlfriend Vanessa Gladieux were driving on International Route 80 in Placer County, Northern California, when the driver of a Ford Explorer repeatedly cut them off. “I push her away,” Strickul said. “And I say, Can you pay attention to the road?” In response, the Explorer pulled in front of the small Mazda that Gladieux was driving and suddenly stopped. Its driver, 50-year-old Dijir Orozco from Santa Clara, got out and turned to the Mazda, claiming that the two young women were going to jail. Gladieux reacted by speeding up. Orozco returned to his truck and chased the two women. He pulled in front of them, forcing the Mazda to stop. Once again, the two young women escaped. Strickul panicked and called 911 when Orozco chased them again and hit the Mazda from the side, trying to push it off the road. Following the dispatchers instructions, the two women got out where California Highway Patrol officers were waiting to help them. Orozco was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, reckless driving, and resisting arrest. It turned out that five days earlier, she had been arrested for another incident in nearby Roseville, California. Orozco pleaded not guilty to all charges related to the two incidents. Road rage incidents are worsening. In Las Vegas, 19-year-old Erich Nowsch was arrested in connection with the murder of Tammy Meyers, a mother of four, on February 12, which Captain Christopher Tomaino of the Las Vegas police called a “road rage murder.” Lawyers say the incident was mislabeled as road rage but have not offered an alternative timeline of events. Nearly 1,500 people have been killed in road rage and aggressive driving-related crashes since 2008, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Now the police are collapsing. The Rossen Reports team walks with the Pottstown, Pennsylvania, police as they search for aggressive drivers, trying to stop road rage incidents before they happen. They noticed that one driver was moving between lanes and speeds and pulled him over, citing him with four violations. Police say that if you ever encounter an aggressive driver, slow down and let them pass. And if they attack you,

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