Единадесет години след изчезването на Натале Холоуей на пътуване до Аруба, майка й все още се надява на справедливост, когато става въпрос за мъжа, за когото вярва, че е взел живота на дъщеря си.
През май 2005 г. Холоуей изчезна на пътуване с приятели след дипломирането си от гимназия в Алабама в изчезване, което остава нерешена мистерия. Джо Фрайър говори с майка си, Бет Холоуей, като част от серията “Къде са сега ?: истинска престъпност” тази седмица на ДНЕС.
Изчезването на Натале Холоуей: Майката говори 11 години по-късно
“Вие никога не чувствате загубата на любимия си”, каза Холоуей.
Холандският мъж Наталее е бил забелязан за последен път извън популярния туристически бар, Йоран ван дер Слоу, който в момента е на 28 години затвор в Перу за убийството на бизнесмена Стефани Флорес при петгодишнината от изчезването на Холоуей през 2010 г..
СВЪРЗАНИ: Майка на Наталей Холоуе 10 години по-късно: “Правосъдието не се обслужва”
“Справедливостта се обслужва за Стефани Флорес, благодаря на Бога”, каза Холоуей. “И той е в затвора в Перу. Но правосъдието не е било дадено на Натали. “
– Това би било справедливост за мен, да го видя да служи в затвора в Съединените щати. Това би било справедливост за Натали.
През годините няколко видеоклипа на ван дер Слоу, които признават убийството на Холоуей, се появяват, но Бет и нейният адвокат ги отхвърлиха като рекламни кадри. Ван дер Слоут бе арестуван три пъти, но никога не беше обвинен в изчезването на Холоуей.
“Имам моя отговор за това, което се случи с Натали, и той седи в затвор в Перу”, каза тя.
Ван дер Слоут, чиято присъда в Перу вероятно няма да приключи до 2038 г., също е изправена пред обвинения в Съединените щати, след като беше обвинена в изнудване на пари от семейство Холоуей в замяна на неверни данни за местонахождението на останките на Наталей.
Холоуей, който управлява конна ранчо в Монтана и прави мотивационно говорене, не е разочарован от това, че чака присъдата на Ван дер Слоу в Перу да приключи, за да бъде обвинена в Америка. През 2010 г. тя се промъкна в затвора в Перу, за да се изправи срещу изчезването на дъщеря си.
“Не, няма да е трудно”, каза тя. Оставих го в затвор в Перу, затова се чувствам добре. “
Майката на Натале Холоуей: “Намерих радост” след 10 години
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As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Eleven years after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on a trip to Aruba, her mother still hopes for justice when it comes to the man she believes took her daughters life. In May 2005, Holloway disappeared on a trip with friends after graduating from high school in Alabama, a disappearance that remains an unsolved mystery. Joe Fryer speaks with her mother, Beth Holloway, as part of the “Where Are They Now?: True Crime” series this week on TODAY.
“You never feel the loss of your loved one,” said Holloway. Dutchman Natalee was last seen outside the popular tourist bar, Joran van der Sloot, who is currently serving a 28-year prison sentence in Peru for the murder of businessman Stephany Flores on the fifth anniversary of Holloways disappearance in 2010. The disappearance of Natalee Holloway on a trip to Aruba with friends after graduating from high school remains an unsolved mystery 11 years later.
RELATED: Natalee Holloways mother 10 years later: “Justice is not served”
“Justice is served for Stephany Flores, thank God,” said Holloway. “And hes in prison in Peru. But justice has not been given to Natalee.” – That would be justice for me to see him serve in prison in the United States. That would be justice for Natalee. Natalee Holloway (left) is on a trip to Aruba with friends (from left) Lee Broun, Madison Aukli, and Ruth McQuay after graduating from high school in Alabama when she disappears just hours after this photo is taken. AP Beth Holloway believes that justice has not yet been given to the man she believes is responsible for her daughters disappearance, Joran van der Sloot, who is currently serving a sentence in Peru for the murder of 2010. Over the years, several videos of van der Sloot admitting to the murder of Holloway have appeared, but Beth and her lawyer rejected them as promotional footage. Van der Sloot has been arrested three times but has never been charged in Holloways disappearance. “I have my answer for what happened to Natalee, and hes sitting in prison in Peru,” she said. Van der Sloot, whose sentence in Peru
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:
Eleven years after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on a trip to Aruba, her mother still hopes for justice when it comes to the man she believes took her daughters life. In May 2005, Holloway disappeared on a trip with friends after graduating from high school in Alabama, a disappearance that remains an unsolved mystery. Joe Fryer speaks with her mother, Beth Holloway, as part of the “Where Are They Now?: True Crime” series this week on TODAY.
“You never feel the loss of your loved one,” said Holloway. Dutchman Natalee was last seen outside the popular tourist bar, Joran van der Sloot, who is currently serving a 28-year prison sentence in Peru for the murder of businessman Stephany Flores on the fifth anniversary of Holloways disappearance in 2010. The disappearance of Natalee Holloway on a trip to Aruba with friends after graduating from high school remains an unsolved mystery 11 years later.
RELATED: Natalee Holloways mother 10 years later: “Justice is not served”
“Justice is served for Stephany Flores, thank God,” said Holloway. “And hes in prison in Peru. But justice has not been given to Natalee.” – That would be justice for me to see him serve in prison in the United States. That would be justice for Natalee. Natalee Holloway (left) is on a trip to Aruba with friends (from left) Lee Broun, Madison Aukli, and Ruth McQuay after graduating from high school in Alabama when she disappears just hours after this photo is taken. AP Beth Holloway believes that justice has not yet been given to the man she believes is responsible for her daughters disappearance, Joran van der Sloot, who is currently serving a sentence in Peru for the murder of 2010. Over the years, several videos of van der Sloot admitting to the murder of Holloway have surfaced, but Beth and her lawyer have rejected them as promotional footage. Van der Sloot has been arrested three times but has never been charged in Holloways disappearance. “I have my answer for what happened to Natalee, and hes sitting in prison in Peru,” she said. Van der Sloot, whose sentence in