Червата или червата? Прикритото ESPN покритие на принц Фийлдър искри меми

Червата или червата? Прикритото ESPN покритие на принц Фийлдър искри меми


Това е изстрелът, който се вижда навсякъде по света.

За ежегодното “Body Issue” на ESPN, няколко спортисти, включително Майкъл Фелпс, Венера Уилямс и Маршан Линч, поставят голи за шест различни кавъра. Но по-специално човек получава най-много внимание.  

С тегло от 275 килограма, първият баскетболист на Тексас Рейнджърс принц Фийлдър раздвижи много коментари онлайн по физика, което някои твърдят, че не е на върха си.

Във въпросът Fielder защитава физика, обяснява, че той работи, като се увери, че той е в правилната форма, за да изпълнява на негово място.

“Не е нужно да изглеждате като манекен под оръжие, за да бъдете спортист”, каза Фидел за фигурата си в сп. “ESPN”. “Работя, за да се уверя, че мога да върша работата си по най-добрия възможен начин.”

Някои от мемите обръщат внимание на фитрите на Фиделдер, докато други го наричат ​​при привидно случайни ситуации. 

Ето как някои се забавляват с изстрелването онлайн:

Един човек, който имаше различна победа: Тамрон Хол, който каза на ДНЕС в сряда, че тя обичаше снимката толкова, че не можеше да спи.

“Обичам тази снимка. Мислех за нея цяла нощ – каза Тамрън. “Това е грандиозно увереност, което някои традиционно наричат ​​черва … но поза, увереност, всичко за него, той е като гръцки бог”.

Тя дори призна, че е преброила всичките си татуировки – и направи корицата на своята снимка в Twitter. 

– Трябва да ви осигурим сметка в Netflix или нещо подобно – пошегува се Уили Гейст.

Принц Фийлдър става гол за покритието на ESPN


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Today, this is the shot that is seen everywhere in the world. For ESPNs annual “Body Issue,” several athletes, including Michael Phelps, Venus Williams, and Marshawn Lynch, pose nude for six different covers. But one person in particular gets the most attention. Weighing in at 275 kilograms, the first basketball player for the Texas Rangers, Prince Fielder, has sparked a lot of online comments about his physique, which some claim is not at its peak. In the interview, Fielder defends his physique, explaining that he works to ensure he is in the right shape to perform at his best. “You dont have to look like a model to be an athlete,” Fielder said about his figure in ESPN magazine. “I work to make sure I can do my job the best way possible.” Some of the memes focus on Fielders filters, while others call him out in seemingly random situations. Heres how some are having fun with the shoot online:

    Rare + shot + of + Prince Fielder + before ESPN + used + photo + for + Body + Issue +#Rangers +#Tigers +#Brewers +#MLB +pic.twitter.com/wtWd4L05EK – + Sports + Woof + (@ sportswoof) + July 8, + 2014 +

    If + you + knew + it + was + just + a + matter + of + time + before + Prince + got + photoped… +pic.twitter.com/zDSSzHyeVy – + Ryan + Field + (@ RyanFieldFS1) + July 8, + 2014 +

    @ RyanFieldFS1 + How + about + Prince + hailing + a + taxi? +pic.twitter.com/kni3N7jwuJ – + Henika + Friends + (@ BWHenika) + July 8, + 2014 +

    One person who had a different reaction was Tamron Hall, who said on TODAY on Wednesday that she loved the photo so much she couldnt sleep. “I love this picture. I thought about it all night,” Tamron said. “Its grand confidence, which some traditionally call swagger…but the pose, the confidence, everything about it, hes like a Greek god.” She even counted all of her tattoos – and made the cover

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Today, this is the shot that is seen everywhere in the world. For ESPNs annual “Body Issue,” several athletes, including Michael Phelps, Venus Williams, and Marshawn Lynch, pose nude for six different covers. But one person in particular gets the most attention. Weighing in at 275 kilograms, the first basketball player for the Texas Rangers, Prince Fielder, has sparked a lot of online comments about his physique, which some claim is not at its peak. In the interview, Fielder defends his physique, explaining that he works to ensure he is in the right shape to perform at his best. “You dont have to look like a model to be an athlete,” Fielder said about his figure in ESPN magazine. “I work to make sure I can do my job the best way possible.” Some of the memes focus on Fielders filters, while others call him out in seemingly random situations. Heres how some are having fun with the shoot online:

    Rare + shot + of + Prince Fielder + before ESPN + used + photo + for + Body + Issue +#Rangers +#Tigers +#Brewers +#MLB +pic.twitter.com/wtWd4L05EK – + Sports + Woof + (@ sportswoof) + July 8, + 2014 +

    If + you + knew + it + was + just + a + matter + of + time + before + Prince + got + photoped… +pic.twitter.com/zDSSzHyeVy – + Ryan + Field + (@ RyanFieldFS1) + July 8, + 2014 +

    @ RyanFieldFS1 + How + about + Prince + hailing + a + taxi? +pic.twitter.com/kni3N7jwuJ – + Henika + Friends + (@ BWHenika) + July 8, + 2014 +

    One person who had a different reaction was Tamron Hall, who said on TODAY on Wednesday that she loved the photo so much she couldnt sleep. “I love this picture. I thought about it all night,” Tamron said. “Its grand confidence, which some traditionally call swagger…but the pose, the confidence, everything about it, hes like a Greek god.” She even counted all of her tattoos – and made the cover

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