Като нова кралица на леда е коронована в Сочи, помолихме коментатора на NBC Sports Olympics и олимпийския златен медалист Тара Липински да погледнем отново на големия си момент в нагановите игри през 1998 г. в чест на Throwback четвъртък.
“Очевидно бях отчайващо”, каза тя, гледайки снимка на себе си на 15-годишна възраст, реагирайки на спечелването на фигурно пързаляне злато. “Мисля, че просто почувствах много облекчение. Защото до този момент имаше толкова много натиск – години обучение. Тогава месеците точно преди Игрите бяха много стресиращи и тази седмица в състезанието бях толкова нервен. Не знам какво правя. Очевидно загубих ума си да крещи.
По това време тя беше най-младият човек, който спечели медал на Зимните олимпийски игри за индивидуално събитие. Шестнайсет години след спечелването на златото, Липински продължава да прави вълни в света на кънките с нейния свеж, забавен и експертен коментар заедно с Джони Уиър. И двамата са пленени публика, които не са престанали да бръмчат за висок клас и понякога ексцентричен стил, който те спортуват.
Но Липински не винаги е бил такъв модалист. На въпроса за мисленето зад костюмното облекло, което носеше по време на победата си, тя призна, че не е обръщала много внимание на онова, което е носила на леда тогава.
“Бях на 15 години! Честно казано, никога не ми пукаше много. Имах дизайнер на костюми и имах треньори и се занимаваха с това “, каза тя. – Толкова се притеснявах за всички неща на леда и аз ги оставих да вървят с каквото и да било облекло, което смятаха, че ще изглеждат добре. Наистина ми харесваше някакво удобство и се убедих, че това е удобно на леда, това е за него. “
Какво направи Джони Уиър и Тара Липински за Сочи? 8 куфара, 10 паунда бижута
Костюмът от синьото пързаляне на Липински, заедно със златния му медал, живее в Музея на световното фигурно пързаляне и в Залата на славата в Колорадо Спрингс, Коло, но тя няма никаква представа какво стана с онзи прочут син скърнинг.
Това, което си спомня, е да се срещне с легендата за хокей Уейн Грецки в нощта, в която спечели медала си – сбъдната мечта за 15-годишен хокей фен.
– Беше късно и аз исках да хвана някоя храна и Уейн Грецки беше там и празнуваше. Той каза: “Нека всички вземем един сладолед”, “тя си спомня. – И така, аз и хокейният отбор бяхме просто студени. Бях дете, което имаше сладолед с Уейн и беше само един от онези моменти, които никога не можеш да си представиш, че ще се случи.
Лилински казва, че в наши дни тя се стреми да бъде такава, каквато е била на тази възраст, шофирана, но и честна за това коя е и е развълнувана от света около нея.
“Аз бях такова бебе и то просто носи много добри спомени; Аз няма да го променя за света “, каза тя. “Мисля, че винаги ме помня, че просто трябва да бъдете сами – защото гледам назад и въпреки че имаше много хора, които гледаха, винаги бях честен за това как се чувствах”.
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:
As a new ice queen was crowned in Sochi, we asked NBC Sports Olympics commentator and Olympic gold medalist Tara Lipinski to revisit her big moment at the 1998 Nagano Games in honor of Throwback Thursday. “Obviously, I was desperate,” she said, looking at a photo of herself at 15, reacting to winning figure skating gold. “I think I just felt a lot of relief. Because up until that point there was so much pressure – years of training. Then the months leading up to the Games were very stressful and this week in the competition I was so nervous. I dont know what Im doing. Obviously, I lost my mind screaming.” Tara Lipinski reacted because her results were published during the free skate competition at the White Ring Arena during the 1998 Winter Olympics. At that time, she was the youngest person to win a medal in an individual event at the Winter Olympics. Sixteen years after winning gold, Lipinski continues to make waves in the world of skating with her fresh, fun, and expert commentary alongside Johnny Weir. Both are captivating audiences who have not stopped buzzing about the high-class and sometimes eccentric style they sport. But Lipinski hasnt always been such a fashionista. When asked about the thinking behind the costume she wore during her victory, she admitted that she didnt pay much attention to what she was wearing on the ice then. “I was 15 years old! Honestly, I didnt care much. I had a costume designer and I had coaches and they took care of that,” she said. “I was so worried about all the things on the ice and I let them go with whatever clothes they thought would look good. I really liked some comfort and I convinced myself that it was comfortable on the ice, thats what it was.” What did Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski do for Sochi? 8 suitcases, 10 pounds of jewelry Lipinskis blue skating costume, along with its gold medal, lives in the World Figure Skating Museum and Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, Colo., but she has no idea what happened to that famous blue scrunchie. What she remembers is meeting hockey legend Wayne Gretzky on the night she won her medal – a dream come true for a 15-year-old hockey fan. “It was late and
As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the text in Bulgarian:
As a new ice queen was crowned in Sochi, we asked NBC Sports Olympics commentator and Olympic gold medalist Tara Lipinski to revisit her big moment at the 1998 Nagano Games in honor of Throwback Thursday. “Obviously, I was desperate,” she said, looking at a photo of herself at 15, reacting to winning figure skating gold. “I think I just felt a lot of relief. Because up until that point there was so much pressure – years of training. Then the months leading up to the Games were very stressful and this week in the competition I was so nervous. I dont know what Im doing. Obviously, I lost my mind screaming.” Tara Lipinski reacted because her results were published during the free skate competition at the White Ring Arena during the 1998 Winter Olympics. At that time, she was the youngest person to win a medal in an individual event at the Winter Olympics. Sixteen years after winning gold, Lipinski continues to make waves in the world of skating with her fresh, fun, and expert commentary alongside Johnny Weir. Both are captivating audiences who have not stopped buzzing about the high-class and sometimes eccentric style they sport. But Lipinski hasnt always been such a fashionista. When asked about the thinking behind the costume she wore during her victory, she admitted that she didnt pay much attention to what she was wearing on the ice back then. “I was 15 years old! Honestly, I didnt care much. I had a costume designer and I had coaches and they took care of it,” she said. “I was so worried about all the things on the ice and I just let them go with whatever outfit they thought would look good. I really liked some comfort and I made sure it was comfortable on the ice, thats what it was for.” What did Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski do for Sochi? 8 suitcases, 10 pounds of jewelry Lipinskis blue skating costume, along with its gold medal, lives in the World Figure Skating Museum and Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, Colo., but she has no idea what happened to that famous blue scrunchie. What she remembers is meeting hockey legend Wayne Gretzky on the night she won her medal – a dream come true for a 15-year-old hockey fan. “It was