“Jsem chlapec na zmrzlinu”: Joe Biden vezme většinu obrázků z Joe Biden, kdy jedl na kopečku

“Jsem chlapec na zmrzlinu”: Joe Biden vezme většinu obrázků z Joe Biden, kdy jedl na kopečku

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Joe Biden jíst zmrzlinu jde virové


Viceprezident Joe Biden byl vyloučen a v dokonalém Joe Biden formě ve středu, užívat si kopečku zmrzliny zatímco houpání jeho podpis aviators a blikající peníze jako šéf.

Svěrák President Joe Biden, right, gets ready to pay for an ice cream cone after a campaign rally for U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley in Portland, Ore., Wednesd...
Viceprezident Joe Biden, v pořádku, se chystá zaplatit za zmrzlinový kužel po kampani pro amerického senátora Jeffa Merkleyho v Portlandu ve středu.,Don Ryan / Dnes

Veep, který byl v Portlandu ve státě Oregon, aby pomohl senátorovi Jeffovi Merkleymu s jeho nabídkou na druhé funkční období, překvapil pracovníky a zákazníky s neohlášenou zastávkou v Salt and Straw, populární místní zmrzlinu .

On údajně požádal o chuť, která je nejblíže čokoládovému čipu, a navázala s kopečkem “bloku čokoládového dřeva”, stejně jako druhou lžící vanilky, podle The Associated Press.

Všiml si, že Merkley mu řekl, že má “nejlepší zmrzlinu ve městě”, a pak Biden prohlásil, že je to zřejmé: “Jsem chlapec na zmrzlinu.”

Svěrák President Joe Biden, right, pays for ice cream cones for himself and U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley after a campaign rally in Portland, Ore., Wednesday, ...
Biden zaplatil za zmrzlinu a Merkleyovou.Don Ryan / Dnes

Skutečnou léčbou byla možnost vychutnat si takřka tak dobrou fotografii Biden, která není cizí jak zmrzlina, tak i vírová.

Navíc nám to dalo výmluvu vrátit se zpět do archivů, které jí dělají zmrzlinu. Léto může skončit, ale ty skvělé záběry Bidenu, které uspokojí jeho sladký zub, se mohou po celý rok těšit:

NÁS Vice Presidential nominee Senator Joe Biden eats an ice cream cone at the Windmill Ice Cream in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, August 29, 2008, whil...
Biden ve zmrzlině zmrzlina zmrzlinu v Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, 29. srpna 2008, během kampaně s Obama.SAUL LOEB / Dnes

Když byly dvě lžíce lepší než jedna:

NÁS vice presidential nominee Senator Joe Biden (L) and Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama (R) enjoy ice cream cones as they speak wi...
Biden a Barack Obama si vychutnávají zmrzlinové kužely, když mluví s místními obyvateli ve Windmill Ice Cream v Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, 29. srpna 2008.SAUL LOEB / Dnes

Měkké servírování také zasáhne místo:

Svěrák President Joe Biden talks with Lisa McIntosh of Lewisburg, Ohio, as he stops for an ice cream cone at a Dairy Queen, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012, in ...
Biden mluví s Lisou McIntoshem z Lewisburgu, Ohio, když se zastaví na kužel zmrzliny u mléčné královny, sobota 8. září 2012 v Nelsonville v Ohiu.Carolyn Kaster / Dnes

Nemůžete dostat dost? Máte štěstí: je zde celý blog věnovaný zaznamenávání Bidenových dobrodružství ve zmrzlině.

Meena Hart Duersonová a Danielle Brennanová přispěla k tomuto postu.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference for any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    “He just doesnt feel anything more than this. Joe Biden goes viral eating ice cream 10.10.2014 00:53 Vice President Joe Biden was kicked out and in perfect Joe Biden form on Wednesday, enjoying a cone of ice cream while rocking his signature aviators and flashing cash like a boss. Vice President Joe Biden, okay, is set to pay for the ice cream cone after campaigning for US Senator Jeff Merkley in Portland on Wednesday. Don Ryan / Todays Veep, who was in Portland, Oregon, to help Senator Jeff Merkley with his bid for a second term, surprised workers and customers with an unannounced stop at Salt and Straw, a popular local ice cream shop. He reportedly asked for a flavor closest to chocolate chip and followed up with a scoop of “block of chocolate wood” as well as a second scoop of vanilla, according to The Associated Press. He noticed that Merkley told him he had “the best ice cream in town,” and then Biden declared, “Im a ice cream guy.” Biden paid for the ice cream and Merkleys. Don Ryan / Todays The real treat was the opportunity to enjoy a nearly as good photo of Biden, which is not unfamiliar to both ice cream and viral. In addition, it gave us an excuse to go back to the archives that make her ice cream. Summer may end, but great shots of Biden satisfying his sweet tooth can be enjoyed all year round: Biden in ice cream ice cream in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, August 29, 2008, during the campaign with Obama. SAUL LOEB / Todays When two scoops were better than one: Biden and Barack Obama enjoy ice cream cones while talking to locals at Windmill Ice Cream in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, August 29, 2008. SAUL LOEB / Todays Soft serve also hits the spot: Biden talks to Lisa McIntosh of Lewisburg, Ohio, as he stops for an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen, Saturday, September 8, 2012 in Nelsonville, Ohio. Carolyn Kaster / Todays Cant get enough? Youre in luck: theres a whole blog dedicated to documenting Bidens ice cream adventures. Meena Hart Duerson and Danielle Brennan

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference for any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text from Czech to English:

    “He just doesnt feel anything more than this. Joe Biden goes viral eating ice cream 10.10.2014 00:53 Vice President Joe Biden was kicked out and in perfect Joe Biden form on Wednesday, enjoying a cone of ice cream while rocking his signature aviators and flashing cash like a boss. Vice President Joe Biden, okay, is set to pay for the ice cream cone after campaigning for US Senator Jeff Merkley in Portland on Wednesday. Don Ryan / Todays Veep, who was in Portland, Oregon, to help Senator Jeff Merkley with his bid for a second term, surprised workers and customers with an unannounced stop at Salt and Straw, a popular local ice cream shop. He reportedly asked for a flavor closest to chocolate chip and followed up with a scoop of “block of chocolate wood” as well as a second scoop of vanilla, according to The Associated Press. He noticed that Merkley told him he had “the best ice cream in town,” and then Biden declared, “Im a ice cream guy.” Biden paid for the ice cream and Merkleys. Don Ryan / Todays The real treat was the opportunity to enjoy a nearly as good photo of Biden, which is not unfamiliar to both ice cream and viral. In addition, it gave us an excuse to go back to the archives that make her ice cream. Summer may end, but great shots of Biden satisfying his sweet tooth can be enjoyed all year round: Biden in ice cream ice cream in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, August 29, 2008, during the campaign with Obama. SAUL LOEB / Todays When two scoops were better than one: Biden and Barack Obama enjoy ice cream cones while talking to locals at Windmill Ice Cream in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, August 29, 2008. SAUL LOEB / Todays Soft serve also hits the spot: Biden talks to Lisa McIntosh of Lewisburg, Ohio, as he stops for an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen, Saturday, September 8, 2012 in Nelsonville, Ohio. Carolyn Kaster / Todays Cant get enough? Youre in luck: theres a whole blog dedicated to documenting Bidens ice cream adventures. Meena Hart Duerson and Danielle Brennan

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