Hoda Kotb sdílí svůj konečný letní koktejl – a “je to úžasné”

Hoda Kotb sdílí svůj konečný letní koktejl – a “je to úžasné”

Na začátku letošního léta se Carson Daly podělil o svůj podzimní letní koktejl a nyní se Hoda Kotb připojuje k zábavě tím, že sdílí dokonalý recept mojito.

Hoda Kotb sdílí svůj vynikající recept mojito (se zvukovými efekty!)

19. 19.202301:36

Přestože Hoda a Kathie Lee Gifford začali ráno popíjením klasických daiquirisů, brzy začali hovořit o nápoji, které mají nejvíce v létě, na dovolené nebo jen na konci dne.

“Nemám rád koktejl,” řekla Kathie Leeová. “Přidám se k mému vínu.”

Ale Hoda byla nadšená, že sdílí, jak dělá její konečný letní sipper, “úžasnou” zázvorovou vodku mojito. Mohlo by to nahradit milované víno Kathie Lee??

“Tady je moje nejoblíbenější věc: vezmu si celý vápno, rozseknu to na polovinu a vytlačím všechny džusy vidličkou, pak jsem dostal tony mátou jako pěst mátou a dal ji do dna a rozdrtil “řekla Hoda, když napodobovala rozmačkané přísady.

“Pak si vezmu nějaké agávy a jdi takhle,” řekla a ona si vzpomněla na to, že vytlačila sladidlo a všechno se rozesmála.

“Pak si vezmu vodku a glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug,” řekla. Teď je to skvělé vylévání, ale Hoda ještě nebylo hotové!

Hoda Kotb's Mojito
Získejte recept

Mojito Hoda Kotb

Hoda Kotb

“A pak si vezmu spoustu ledu a nějakou stravu zázvorový pivo,” řekla.

Konečným krokem je, že je vše promícháme a vejdeme!

“Ten mojito je vrah,” prohlásil Hoda.

Ale klíčovým je použití čerstvé limetové šťávy a hodně z toho – “spousta a hodně vápna,” řekla.

Zatímco Kathie Lee stále preferuje víno přes koktejly, dokonce i ona musela přiznat, že Hoda je nápoj je opravdu skvělý. “Je to tak osvěžující,” řekla.

Jak udělat perfektní margaritu


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “At the beginning of this summer, Carson Daly shared his autumnal summer cocktail, and now Hoda Kotb joins the fun by sharing the perfect mojito recipe. Despite Hoda and Kathie Lee Gifford starting the morning with classic daiquiris, they soon began talking about the drink that is most popular in the summer, on vacation, or just at the end of the day. “I dont like cocktails,” said Kathie Lee. “Ill stick to my wine.” But Hoda was excited to share how she makes her ultimate summer sipper, an “amazing” ginger vodka mojito. Could it replace Kathie Lees beloved wine? “Heres my favorite thing: I take a whole lime, cut it in half, and squeeze out all the juices with a fork, then I got tons of mint like a fistful of mint and put it in the bottom and crush it,” Hoda said, mimicking the mashed ingredients. “Then I take some agave and go like this,” she said, and she remembered squeezing the sweetener and everyone laughed. “Then I take vodka and glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug,” she said. Now thats great pouring, but Hoda wasnt done yet! Nathan Congleton / TODAY Get the recipe Mojito Hoda Kotb Hoda Kotb “And then I take a lot of ice and some ginger beer,” she said. The final step is to mix it all together and voila! “That mojito is killer,” Hoda declared. But the key is using fresh lime juice and lots of it – “lots and lots of lime,” she said. While Kathie Lee still prefers wine over cocktails, she even had to admit that Hodas drink is really great. “Its so refreshing,” she said. How to make the perfect margarita Feb.18.201601:36 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “At the beginning of this summer, Carson Daly shared his autumnal summer cocktail, and now Hoda Kotb joins the fun by sharing the perfect mojito recipe. Despite Hoda and Kathie Lee Gifford starting the morning with classic daiquiris, they soon began talking about the drink that is most popular in the summer, on vacation, or just at the end of the day. “I dont like cocktails,” said Kathie Lee. “Ill stick to my wine.” But Hoda was excited to share how she makes her ultimate summer sipper, an “amazing” ginger vodka mojito. Could it replace Kathie Lees beloved wine? “Heres my favorite thing: I take a whole lime, cut it in half, and squeeze out all the juices with a fork, then I got tons of mint like a fistful of mint and put it in the bottom and crush it,” Hoda said, mimicking the mashed ingredients. “Then I take some agave and go like this,” she said, and she remembered squeezing the sweetener and everyone laughed. “Then I take vodka and glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug,” she said. Now thats great pouring, but Hoda wasnt done yet! Nathan Congleton / TODAY Get the recipe Mojito Hoda Kotb Hoda Kotb “And then I take a lot of ice and some ginger beer,” she said. The final step is to mix it all together and voila! “That mojito is killer,” Hoda declared. But the key is using fresh lime juice and lots of it – “lots and lots of lime,” she said. While Kathie Lee still prefers wine over cocktails, she even had to admit that Hodas drink is really great. “Its so refreshing,” she said. How to make the perfect margarita Feb.18.201601:36 Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest”

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